75th Independence Day in 2021


Independence Day

Independence Day is the only holiday that most children remember. It is the liberation of our country that has helped us to stand, walk and breathe so freely today. In this article we will look at that freedom and the day it was achieved.

Disappointment achieved by the generosity of the Indians

Our Indian has a great character that 'Makes the Visitor Live.' Thus, even those who came from abroad to do business in our country, over time, our goods were looted. Beyond that, Anno Domini (AD) The English who set foot in 1600 enslaved us.

Voice of protest

Somewhere among those who slept unaware that 'The Country We are in is Ours', some people stood up as voices and rights and spoke out against strangers. Among them Veerapandiya Kattabomman, Veeramangai Velu Nachiyar, Marudhu Pandiyars, Puli Thevar and Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai in the north played an important role in Tamil Nadu. Their movement also split into Moderation and Extremism. These were followed by Gandhiji, Neruji, Tilak, Patel, Netaji in the north and Vanchinathan, Siva, V.O. Chidambaram Pillai in Tamil Nadu as well as poets like Tagore, Subramania Bharati, Kavimani Desigavinayagam Pillai, Namakkal poet Venkatarama Ramalingam Pillai through their poems and countless playwrights, voiced their opposition to strangers through their theatrical art.

Slogans and movements

Gandhiji chanted 'Do or Die', Netaji chanted 'Delhi Chalo', 'Vande Mataram' and 'Freedom is Our Birthright' and also protested, saying, "Sarvesha (Lord Shiva) we did not grow out of water, we protected this crop with  tears." Also they carried out many struggles such as the Salt Satyagraha, the Non-Cooperation Movement and the Quit Whites Movement.

Achieving and celebrating independence

After various slogans and struggles, we achieved our right to freedom on August 15, 1974 and made it the highest gold in our history. Following this, every year on this day we fly the flag in all parts of the city, village, school and college and celebrate the great deeds of our leaders. At exactly eight o' clock in the morning in our Capital Delhi, the Prime Minister of India will hoist our national flag and deliver a speech.

The importance of Independence Day

Today, more than 70 years after the freedom that many people have lost their lives and their physical possessions, we have not been able to realize and maintain them properly. That is why a poet said, 'We bought it at night and it has not dawned yet.' Everyone must first realize that this festival is for everyone to feel the sacrifice of their leaders. Only then will the benefits of true freedom be available to all.

It is the duty of every Indian to preserve the freedom he has gained. Therefore, the celebration of Independence Day, which defended our country, is when each of us strives to elevate all with a sense of unity that we are ours, not just mine only then will the celebration of True Independence Day unfurl the flag.

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