Review - Think And Grow Rich Summary


No matter which book we start reading, the question is why do we read this book. Let me tell you the reason why you should read this book. This book is a blueprint for achieving your dream.

Book Name : Think And Grow Rich

Author Name : Napoleon Hill

Year of Publication : 1937

Author Napoleon Hill of this book. Like everyone else he had a desire to make a lot of money and succeed in life. He started looking for this through interviews as he is a journalist. He interviewing Andrew Carnegie, the World Richest Person of his time. In that interview Author notes some things. The mind set that a rich person can have is different than the mind set that a ordinary person can have. Especially the way they look at the time and their habits are very different. That interview was going well. Andrew Carnegie put a twist on that interview. He said to Author, "I arrange for you to interview the 500 Most Successful People in My Contact." Author was shocked to hear this. Not only this but Andrew Carnegie says two conditions. Andrew Carnegie said, " it will take at least 20 years to complete the interview of these 500 people and share what you have learned in that interview with people." Having said this, Andrew Carnegie asks Napoleon Hill if you are ready for this challenge. Author thinks well and accepts the challenge. The result is the book Think And Grow Rich.

Now that you have some idea why you should read this book. This book is not just about 500 success stories, he has analyzed what he learned when he interviewed 500 people and prepared a 13-steps Success Formula. Author has indirectly tested this formula on 1000 people. Tested and incorporated as a case study in this book how this formula worked and what changes have taken place in their lives since they used this formula.

Let's see what those 13 steps are.

1. Power of Thoughts

Only if you know what the power of your thoughts is can you control it and use it properly. 

2. A Burning Desire

In the things you think you want to achieve, you have to have a frenzied desire. 

3. Faith

No matter what happens. We must be confident that we can achieve what we started.

4. Auto Suggestion

It tells you how to reprogram your brain and drive it towards success. It is one of the method of reprogramming the brain.

5. Specialized Knowledge

Learning a subject well and implementing it and gaining knowledge from it or making money or making an impact in the community.

6. Power of Imagination

Only if you know what your imagination is capable of, can you use it for the right things on the right track. 

7. Organized Planning

You need to plan what are the basic things you need to do to turn your dream into action.

8. Decision

How to make a good decision? That is, you need to know what is needed to make a right decision and what factors to consider when making that right decision.

9. Persistence

In this chapter, author talks about recovering from a depressed state and achieving a full potential.

10. Power of The Mastermind

You will face a lot of obstacles while working towards your goal.  In this chapter author talks about how to travel towards the goal only without letting it distract you then. 

11. The Mystery of Transmutation of Sex

The most important things in existence is the sexual drive. It is used by most of the athletes and sports persons. In this chapter, author talks about how ordinary people use it properly and what is the advantage for us of using it.

12. Power of Subconscious Mind

We all know that the subconscious mind is the cause of all habits. So how to control it and achieve what we thought is stated in this chapter.

13. The Brain

Only in this chapter will you achieve your goal. Now you know what state your brain is in and how you achieved your goal. 

We briefly learned what those 13 steps that author said were. Author also offers two bonus steps. Let us now know what those two steps are.

* The Sixth Sense *

We have heard many people say gut feeling. We would have told ourselves also. A lot of people know it is wrong when we do a thing. Then in this chapter, author talks about whether or not you should follow your gut feeling.

* Fear * 

Fear is an important factor that prevents us from achieving our goals. He explains in 6 points how to overcome that fear.

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