

Technology uses techniques to manufacture or make some products and services. In this modern world, Technology is very important and ever increasing. Technology changed each of our lives in many way till these last decade. It has a very high impact on Big industries to normal Human beings. So, we can extremely say that Technology played a crucial role in changing each of our lives. Technology has been Revolutionary. It gave us so many good things. But, a coin should have two sides. It has a good and a bad side too. Technology changed our lives, but we can't to say it changed us completely in a positive way. Technology, of course is a boon as well as a bane!

One of the serious issue of Technology growth is High usage of Mobile phones, especially , smart phones . Since early times, smart phones have been revolutionary. Smart phones have had so many advantages, it helped us in so many ways, but smart phone misuse is a major drawback. But, it isn't the fault of its developers as they never develop it in order to make social issues. It is us, who make it worst. So, Smart phones make our life easier, thereby, making us lazy. Technology has become an essential part of our lives. It has transformed luxuries into necessities. I agree with this statement. In earlier times, affording a computer or even a television was considered as a luxury but, now-a-days, it has become a necessity. The generation today wants everything personal T.V., laptop, computer, etc. According to me, technology has improved the standard of living. Owning new and latest gadgets is a status symbol now. Earlier, there used to be the postal service. like, if we wanted to inform anything to somebody, we wrote letters or sent telegrams. Now, they are outdated; and are replaced by e-mails, SMS, WhatsApp, etc. undoubtedly, it is very much faster as compared to the older systems. Development in technology has helped the people of all ages, student, teacher, doctor, housewife, businessman and many more.

Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

With the help of technology, students understand what they are taught and can apply it in real life easily. Thanks to technology, school has become a place where students love to go.

Even outside the classroom, students can share notes online, research, annotate, collaborate on work, have study groups, share courses and create virtually creative content online with the help of apps like google drive. Even social media platforms like facebook and twitter are places where students can connect with each other to share ideas, articles and other resources with each other. Internet is the biggest advantage of technology. We can find anything or order anything while sitting at home. It is a great boon to us. So, I’ll conclude by saying that, though technology has provided us with many things but we should be wise enough to use them.

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