Top 8 solutions to reduce Global Warming !



As discussed, Global warming is the process of increase in the temperature near the

 earth’s surface. The process has been observed over centuries and has extremely

 disturbed the weather and climatic conditions of the earth. 


Has anyone wondered about how we as people can do little things in order to save our

 mother earth?  Mentioned below are top 8 solutions to combat global warming:

1. Use fluorescent bulbs:  Use compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs as such bulbs are

 more energy efficient and consume less than 70% as compared to ordinary bulbs. These

 bulbs have a longer life as compared to ordinary bulbs.



2. Adopt Carpooling:  Global warming can also be reduced if you chose to drive less. One can adopt the option of carpooling or cycling. Both of the methods will keep you fit. Not only your fuel will be saved but the fumes generated by the largest contributors that is oil and gasoline would be reduced and it would be a huge step in reducing energy wastes.


3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Use eco- friendly products and try to reduce small amount of waste by not buying new products.


Reuse plastic containers, old newspaper, bottles, cardboard boxes, any yogurt cups, bread ties, and other items. By doing this you won’t need to buy new products as the old ones can equally perform the same function well and your expenses would also be reduced. One can also reuse disposable products in order to preserve environment.


Recycling unwanted paper, bottles, tables, furniture, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers etc. This step would not only reduce landfills but it will also help in preserving environment. This could also help in reducing global warming.

4. Avoid Overly Packaged Products:  Buying overly packaged products would only result in increase in waste. This is because one generally throws packaging away as a garbage which will then fill landfill sites with more waste and harm the environment. Thus, encourage people to not to buy overly packaged products.                                                                     

5. Plant trees: Contribution to greenery by planting trees would not only nurture the

 environment but it would act as a major contributor in reduction of global warming.



6.  Regular Maintenance of vehicles: When one will focus on making their vehicles efficient by focusing on its regular repair and maintenance, the vehicle would emit less carbon dioxide. This would help in reducing global warming.


7. Install Earth Preservation Apps: Installing Earth Preservation Apps like Kil-Ur-Watts and Wiser EMS helps in calculating energy costs. The apps also help in suggesting ways and providing tools through which one can save energy and money. This would also help in preserving the environment and help in reducing global warming.


8. Conserve Water: In a year, hundreds of gallons of water can be saved and conserved if one chooses to take 5-minute shower instead of baths. Using right type of shower head will greatly help in conserving energy and would also help in combating global warming. This is because showers consume less than 25% of water than baths.



From this article one can conclude that all the people through their little efforts can

 combat global warming, making the mother earth a better place to live in. The only

 thing that we all have to do is to practice and take one step at a time.



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