


What is Chronophobia?

The psychological phobia which is characterized by abnormal, persistent, unwarranted fear of time or passing of time is known as chronophobia. Chronomentrophobia, is another relate and rare phobia where people have irrational fear of clocks and watches.




 People suffering from chronophobia experience from anxiousness, depression, uneasiness, panic attacks, and may often feel claustrophobic. People suffering from claustrophobia feel that they are being closed in where escaping is impossible.



In some more genuine cases, people might encounter shaking, breathlessness, exorbitant perspiration, sporadic pulses, nauseating perspectives, powerlessness to express words, tormenting thoughts etc.



Victims might have an uneasy feeling that events are unfolding speedily and they might feel and fear that time is fleeing with themselves. For them, it is hard to figure out the manner in which situations are developing.


Chronophobia makes people experience a sense of derealization. People suffering from this phobia fear and feel racing thoughts or they might fear that time is either moving and speeding too quickly or they might feel that time suddenly slowing down. Patients of chronophobia might also inculcate symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Victims of Chronophobia

The victims of chronophobia are generally older people or prisoners in jail (where it otherwise called prison neurosis). The older people will in general have a ton of inactive free time, and might feel frequently that time is moving or passing very slowly.



 It is normal for elderly folks’, especially those confronting terminal sicknesses, to be hyper-mindful of their inevitable demise (death anxiety), and this consistent danger of death can create a mind-boggling uproar of chronophobia. As time passes by and people start to age more, the functioning of their digestion system and mind slows down, making them considerably more vulnerable to chronophobia.

Jail detainees additionally will in general have broad times of unstructured time, which might lead them to exorbitant thought of the progression of time, the timeframe of their sentence, the quantity of days staying until their delivery, and so on. They likewise ordinarily experience undeniable degrees of uneasiness and stress because of their conditions, which puts them particularly in danger.


Survivors from shipwreck, natural disasters, and others who suffer from high anxiety may also suffer from chronophobia.



 Traumatic childhood experiences and some genetic disorders (such as inadequacy of adrenal, where the adrenal glands produce inadequate quantity of hormones such as cortisol or aldosterone, which is responsible for making a person more prone to anxiety and fear), may be responsible for development of the mentioned phobia. Chronophobia is a relatively rare disease and the exact reason which causes this phobia still remains a mystery.


Are any treatments possible?

 Chronophobia can't actually be forestalled all things considered, however stress help strategies, (for example, staying away from upsetting or nervousness creating circumstances, taking part in meditation, yoga, etc) may mitigate the indications to an extent.



Intellectual conduct treatment, hypnotherapy or needle therapy might be some viable options. Strategy for psychotherapy known as neuro-linguistic programming has additionally shown some guarantee.

Medicines to quiet the nerves might have some transient worth, yet they regularly have unsavoury incidental effects, and don't really delete the dread yet simply stifle the indications.


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