Realize the dream of activating India 2.0, fueled with the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat


 National Innovation week will inspire us to work collaboratively to realize the dream of activating India 2.0, fueled with the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat, said Shri Subhas Sarkar, Minister of State for Education while addressing the valedictory session of  E- Symposium on ‘Building Innovation Ecosystem in Educational Institutes’ here today.

In his concluding remarks Shri Sarkar said that our goal is to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and out-of-the-box thinking in our educational system, which is also reflected in the New Education Policy 2020. He further said that Government is committed to enhance the Indian economy and working tirelessly to achieve India's goal of becoming a 5 trillion-dollar economy by 2024-25. Facilitating investment, fostering innovation, building best-in-class infrastructure, and making India a hub for manufacturing, design, and innovation will help us achieve the Atmanirbhar Bharat in the true sense. 

Click here to see Closing Ceremony of e-Symposium on Building Innovation & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Shri Sarkar stressed that the time has come when every Ministry, Government Department, Industry leaders, and all key stakeholders work collaboratively and support our higher education institutions so that they work on creating a holistic culture of innovation, research, and help in nurturing young talent to pursue their dreams as an Innovators and solve the problems faced by society and address upcoming challenges. 

At the occasion, Professor K. Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India, emphasized on need of innovation for economic change and sustainability. He said that we need to expand the funding of research and innovation eco-system to position India as a favoured destination for Research and Development. He highlighted on adoption of best global practices for establishing closer linkages with national R&D institutions and academia, talent development and sourcing, strategic partnerships to bolster R&D in India and integrating with the domestic start-up ecosystem. He further added that, innovation must be linked with economic change and market and in synchronization with ongoing policy measures including Swachh Bharat, Made in India etc. etc. He urged Indian youth to come forward in sharing the ideas for country and economic development.

The opening session was followed by two panel discussion titled, “Grey Hairs not mandatory to build greater enterprises” and “Attracting Big Investment for Innovative ideas from Educational Institution” which was well attended by eminent personalities. All the panelists were enthused with such platforms which are much needed for building up the R&D and innovation eco-systems in India.

Prof. M. P. Poonia, Vice Chairman of AICTE had delivered welcome address and appreciated for the overwhelming responses and participation from student and faculty fraternity from educational institutions. The sessions were viewed by more than1.2 lakh attendees online across the globe. All panelists were enthused with e-symposium platforms which is the need of hour for building the R&D and innovation eco-systems in India.

Prof. Rajive Kumar, Member Secretary, AICTE highlighted the role of AICTE in supporting the technical institutions to excel in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. The event concluded with vote of thanks delivered by him.


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