Why is it so difficult to reach towards Humane level?


Today I will ask some questions to you and to myself because I was at that phase of life where I saw the time which was extremely uncomfortable and faced constant heavy stress.

Why we always wants to win why we cannot focus on process and learning something new?

Why we cannot stop judging others why we cannot believe anybody can inspire us whether it is a merchant or a homeless because one must learn from the unspoken or unheard experience of others?

Why we think only “successful” can motivate us?

Why we cannot help anybody just only because that person need help?

Why we think too much about success what is a meaning of success? Materialistic happiness or inner happiness?

Why we constantly avoid the real human interaction why we are not bother about the person & how this person is feeling?

Why judgements become prominent in our society why we love degrading and humiliating others?

Why we lost faith in love and humanity. Why we fake our love to others why we cannot love anybody genuinely?

Why we always trying to prove a point that we are worthy via social media?

Why validation is significant and criticism is insignificant?

Why we loosing Empathy why saying something good to others demands that we need to be close to that person?

Why we have several kinds of uncertain modes. I would call this modes because these expression of mouth and gestures cannot be emotions.

I will not give you any advice :

Be kind
Have compassion
Think before speak blah blah…
Because we already knows these traits but somehow forget to feel. I can understand we are living in really fast pace world where nobody doesn’t bother or interested to know anything about others unless we are not indulge in one incredible activity “Gossip”.

In the end, I just say this is a life we all fail and rise at some point of it. So stop judging. Make mistakes but never forget to learn and improve. Don’t be afraid to fail big to dream big , but remember dreams without goals just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment – Denzel Washington”

Don’t be afraid to fail big to dream big , but remember dreams without goals just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment – Denzel Washington”

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