Health Benefits of eating nuts everyday


Photo by David Disponett on

Nuts are very popular. They are tasty and can can be consumed even when you are on diet. They are eaten as a snack food and sometimes used in cooking as well. Listed below are some health advantages of consuming nuts :

1) Nuts are rich in fats and low in carbs. They are great sources of magnesium and Vitamin E. One can consume nuts when on a low carb diet.

2) Nuts can aid in weight loss despite being a high calorie food. Our body doesn’t absorb all the calories in nuts. Reasearch has further shown that consuming almonds can be beneficial while aiming for weight loss.

3) Nuts can help to lower cholestrol and triglyceride levels. Pistachios help to lower triglyceride levels while almonds and hazelnuts helps in lowering bad LDL Cholestrol and raises good HDL Cholestrol.

4) Nuts are rich sources of fiber which makes us full thus lowering our calorie consumption and improving our gut health.

5)  Daily consumption of walnuts can improve our cognitive function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Walnuts are rich sources of antioxidants and omega – 3 fatty acids that fights with inflammation.

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