Importance of Music in Student's Life


If I ask you what is music for you? Your answer must be entertainment, time pass or just a hobby. Sometime,  we don’t understand the importance of small things and avoid them without thinking. We listen to music just for entertainment or for refreshing our mind but we have never given a thought about why we feel refreshed after listening to good music. It plays an important role in a Student’s life, work professionals and even housewives. According to various researchers, music students have higher academic exam score than their non-musical peers.

How it helps in concentration?

With no doubt it improves one’s mood and thus it helps students to focus better in their studies. It provides motivation and an urge to learn more. It makes the students positive and most likely to memorise clearly which indirectly boosts memory formation.

Not just for students it is helpful for working professionals as well. They listen to their favourite songs when they feel tired or when they don’t find any motivation to work during their working hours. It helps them concentrate more after with an optimistic approach.

Not just students and employers, housewives also feel better after listening to their favourite track. They make their work joyful by playing songs at the side of the table and runs their daily errands by humming their favourites.

Science behind correlation between music and brain

  • Studies have shown that music produces several positive effects on a human’s body and brain. Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory.
  • Music is a way to process emotions and strengthen oneself from being overwhelmed.
  • It triggers the release of a chemical called dopamine in a part of the brain called the striatum which helps one feel good.
  • Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.

Improve your performance

 Music is found to help people perform better in high pressure situations. Studies show that it changes a student from coal to diamond under pressure. For instance there was a research done where basketball player were pressured  and didn’t perform well in the match but the other team which was also under pressure but listened to music before coming to the court performed very well.This is how music plays a very  significant role in a student’s as well as in a human life.This is how music plays a very  significant role in a student’s as well as in a human life.

 Music is found to help people perform better in high pressure situations. Studies show that it changes a student from coal to diamond under pressure. For instance there was a research done where basketball player were pressured  and didn’t perform well in the match but the other team which was also under pressure but listened to music before coming to the court performed very well.This is how music plays a very  significant role in a student’s as well as in a human life.This is how music plays a very  significant role in a student’s as well as in a human life.

 We now understand, that music and memory are strongly linked together in the brain, and that music can be beneficial for studies.Not just the rap or upbeat music but classical music has been proved to be the most effective in treating insomnia and helps one from spending thousands on sleep-inducing meds.

Not just the rap or upbeat music but classical music has been proved to be the most effective in treating insomnia and helps one from spending thousands on sleep-inducing meds.



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