Recommendations for Gender Based violence

Source: UN Women

Sex Education, Community, media, intervention, gender norms programmes helpful to tackle GBV. Several LGBTQ+ organizations and their programmes initiated in the USA (New York, Washington, California) we’ll discuss below all their activities.

  • Community intervention can address gender norms and attitudes. For example, the combination of microfinance schemes for women. IMAGE microfinance and gender equity initiated in South Africa and stepping stone programmes in Africa and Asia. Well trained facilitators and community ownership appear to boost the effectiveness of the programme.
  • Public awareness campaigns via television, radio, newspapers and other mass media can be effective in altering attitudes towards gender norms.
  • School based programmes consider considerable components to spread words regarding gender norms and attitudes before they become deeply ingrained in children & youth. Positive results have been reported in the US and Canada by Youth Relationship Project.

In Rawada, UNFPA introduced  “one stop centers” to fulfill the diverse physical, emotional and school needs of survivors.

  • Psycho – counseling, helplines and safe houses programmes on sexual reproduction health that should be treated as first place service.

Research – Build Gender sensitivity in male groups  

Men as partners programme from age 10 – 14 years, only all male groups must participate in changing attitude or mindset. Encourage boys to stop domestic and sexual violence towards gender and to become responsible but programme has yet to be in evaluation process.

Youth Relationship Project in Ontario is a community based intervention to help at-risk 14 – 16 year old boys; take a health promotion approach that develops healthy, no abusive relationships by providing education about gender related issues, conflict resolution, communication skills and social action activities. Randomized controlled trials showed that intervention was effective in reducing incidents of physical and emotional abuse.

Another programme in United States, Mentors in violence prevention, provide two hours educational sessions to male and female high school and college student in mixed or single sex groups. Here, students learn about different types of abuse, gender stereotypes and society’s acceptance of violence against women. Evaluation of the programme examined the knowledge and attitudes of participants  after two to five months of implementation. This study indicated that the programme improved participants’ attitudes towards violence against GBV.  

Organizations like GLSEN, Lambda legal, Advocates for youth, Gender spectrum, Centrelink,The Trevor Project are working exclusively for gender sensitivity and inclusive environment, suicide prevention services to young LGBTQ people under 25. Some of the main projects/steps of organizations are:- 

  • Through litigation, education and Policy advocacy protect the rights of LGBTQ people that seek health care and medical professional health and facilities understand their responsibility to treat LGBT patients fairly.

Sports projects as education & advocacy programme.

  • Solidarity week, No name calling week and day of silence are part of the project
  • Supportive educators, comprehensive policies and inclusive curriculum.
  • Train organize and support student survivor activists in challenging their educational institutions to address violence and discrimination.
  • Advocate for Policy change at the campus, state and federal levels to ensure meaningful systematic action to end gender violence.
  • Communities engagement including young people of color, black and Latino and trans color youth; members use social media campaigns, peer education, storytelling and media outreach to raise awareness of interconnection between HIV disparity, racism, homophobia and transphobia determinate for inclusion of youth most impacted by HIV in planning, implementation and evaluation of programs; policies that affect their health and well being.
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