Let's Know About Interior Designing...


“We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us”.

Interior Designing is the Art and Science of enhancing the interiors of the building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.

The person who plans, researches, coordinates and manages such enhancement projects, is an interior designer.

It is an art of creating aesthetically functional spaces pleasing with the client’s choice integration and understanding including the person’s creativity. It is basically underlying the layout of one’s personal choice and preferences of designing and decorating one’s home as per his/her needs and taste.

But for this, interior designers must be highly skilled and professional in their work and adhere to the norms and regulations of their professionalism.

It is essential for interior designers to acquire a deep experience with colors, understand their psychological effects and learn and apply the meaning of each color in different locations and situations in order to create suitable combinations for each place.

Specialties of interior designing includes:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Self-employment
  • Sports
  • Traffic building
  • others

Interior Designing is a professional course requiring a professional experience and required degree to continue with the passion and the work. A formal education program, particularly one accredited by or developed by a professional organization of interior designers, can provide training that meets a minimum standard of excellence and therefore gives a student an education of high standards.

The interior designing requires a wide range of working conditions and golden employment opportunities. Some work on regular basis i.e., some may have a permanent job, enjoying all the perks of professionalism, while others usually work on a contract or per-job basis.

In some cases, licensed professionals review the work and sign it before submitting the design for approval by clients or construction permitting.

Not forgetting some of the famous early interior decorators, here we have name of some:

  • Sibyl Colefax
  • Dorothy Draper
  • Syrie Maugham
  • Elsie De Wolfe

And, last but not the least the foremost important principles of interior designing:

  • Balance
  • Unity
  • Rhythm
  • Emphasis
  • Contrast
  • Scale and proportion
  • Details

The essence of interior designing will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what’s in or what’s out. This is not an easy job.

“The details are not details. They make design.”

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