The White Revolution in India

Photo by Engin Akyurt on

The revolution associated with a sharp increase in milk production in the country is called the White Revolution in India also known as Operation Flood. White revolution period intended to make India a self-dependent nation in milk production.
Verghese Kurien ,the founder of Amul introduced White revolution in India. He is known as the father of white revolution in India.
Operation Flood started the White Revolution in India and made our country self-sufficient in milk and this was achieved entirely through the cooperative structure.One of the largest of its kind, the programme objective was to create a nationwide milk grid. It resulted in making India one of the largest producers of milk and milk products, and hence is also called the White Revolution of India. It also helped reduce malpractices by milk traders and merchants. The White Revolution in India was successful in transforming the country from a milk deficient nation to a world leader in milk production. It helped dairy-farming become India’s largest self-sustaining industry and also, India’s largest rural employment provider.

Advantages and disadvantages of white revolution
1) ended imports of milk solids in India.
2) India started exporting milk powder to many foreign nations.
3) dairy industries and infrastructures modernised and expanded.
4) more employment in the field of dairy farming.
5) dairy needs are met locally.
1) since livestock are prone to many diseases, milk obtained from them during such conditions leads to disease spreading.
2) adulteration of milk and dairy products.

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