What is Visual Design


Visual design is a creative concept that aims to communicate to the visitor what is needed for the business. At its core, it’s an environment that focuses attention on. Visual design with the help of results and applications used performs the function of informing. The task of a visual designer is to show the organization of the process and lead the client to purchase a specific product or service. Visual designers focus on the look and feel of the product and brand, showing their best sides.

Web studio Laroche www.laroche.co reports that design is a complex art that can motivate the client to action. A competent designer not only uses theoretical knowledge, tries to introduce new “chips” and apply special techniques. With the help of a combination, you can really create an extraordinary, memorable site.

Basic principles of visual design

Visual design concepts will help to implement the set goals and lead the site visitor to the final result. To accomplish this task, you should be guided by certain principles of site design.

  • Lines. The simplest connection of two points, which is used to create a form and its derived components. All lines have length, width and directions. They create a motion effect. Emphasize the right data.
  • Blocks. Certain areas that carry functionality and perform the assigned task. To outline the areas, lines are used, different colors are used. The blocks have a task – to hold the visitor’s gaze.
  • Color. Selected for specific tasks. The purpose of the chosen color is to divide objects, focus attention, organize the presentation of information. Shades and halftones are used in order to psychologically affect visitors. The game of shades can both distract and retain the visitor.
  • Texture. An element that visually shows how the surface is represented. It creates and forms models. They are used to attract or distract attention, lead the visitor to the ultimate goal. Textured visualization will be able to create the effect of realism.
  • Printing house. You should know that the use of fonts is important. Something needs to be highlighted, something is lowered down, into the “footer” of the site. Depending on which font was chosen, the functional value of the information is determined. The correct font decorates the site, contributes to the visual representation of the site.
  • Form. This includes three-dimensional objects that are depicted in a realistic style. A form is created by combining multiple objects. It can be expanded or differentiated using tones, textures, or colors. With the help of the form, it is possible to “play” with the attention of visitors.
  • Space. With the help of an area that focuses attention or looks away, you can visually convey information. Space is used to convey the necessary to the client or distract him. Performs an important role in the design of the site and the demonstration of objects for site guests.
  • Visual concept. In fact, this is the most important thing in design. The main thing for a designer is to keep in mind the goal for which the site is made. A strong concept will necessarily fulfill the task and help to convey information to the consumer. Competently thought-out design will fulfill all the tasks and lead to their implementation. All actions should lead to a positive result.

These are the basic principles of visual design. In addition to the main ones, there are several others. This includes scale, dominance and similarities. Applying the basic formulas, it will be easy for the designer to perform the task, to convey the necessary information to the visitor.

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