Government policies regarding Education in India.


Before 1976, education was exclusively the responsibility of states; the Central government was only concerned with certain areas like co-ordination and determination of standards in technical and higher education, etc. In 1976, through a Constitutional amendment, education became a joint responsibility.

The Indian government has been trying to enhance the quality of education since the time of independence. There have been numerous policies and schemes that aimed at providing better education for everyone, irrespective of caste and religion. Indian constitution allows children with the right to education, which means that education isn’t just something that children want, it is their right.

The Indian government has had some long-term education policies along with some latest additions. Mentioned below are some of the best schemes that were framed to promote education in India-

Samagra Shiksha

Under this scheme, the government has decided to treat the school education from class 1 to 12 holistically and without segments. This scheme is framed to increase the efficiency of school education and provide students with better facilities to promote holistic growth. This has been done due to the long-time need for change in the education system of India.

Eklavya Schools

A lot of scheduled caste and minority people face issues like discrimination while trying to get educated; they generally don’t have enough money to have a proper education. This is why the government of India introduced this scheme. Under this scheme, special schools are to be made for scheduled caste and minority students that will provide basic education along with skill development in sports and other fields. This is being done to provide them equal opportunities.

Free education for poor

This was a masterstroke by the state government of Assam, and under this everyone with a BPL card will be allowed to avail free high quality senior secondary education, polytechnic and other degree courses from government institutions. This is done to help people to get an education even if they cannot afford it. This is sure to promote education in those areas.


One of the main reasons for people opting for not to educate their kids is due to limitations caused due to lack of money. Indian government runs a lot of scholarship schemes like Kanya Vidhya Dhan, which aims at providing funds for the education of girls. Similarly, there are a lot of other programs that cover meritorious students, minorities, etc.

Providing sanitation facilities

One of the main reasons for girls not attending schools in India was the lack of female sanitation facilities in government schools. Government has implemented a variety of policies and schemes to tackle this situation. Now over 80% of schools in India have proper sanitation facilities for students. This has worked efficiently till now and the government is planning to invest more in this area.

Gender education

Telangana government has announced that all the schools coming under their jurisdiction have to facilitate gender education to students compulsorily. This step will help in reducing the widespread inequality in gender in backward areas. Gender inequality is one of the main reasons as to why a lot of Indian kids don’t get a proper education.

Mid-day meals

This is one of the oldest running educational policies of the Indian government. Under this policy, primary schools in rural areas offer a one-time meal to their students. This policy has worked wonders and has been efficiently doing so for a long time now. The schools have to provide meals to students according to the government prescribed meal chart, to facilitate proper growth among students.

Free stationary and dress

Government schools have this policy for a long time now due to its efficiency. Under this policy, 2 members from a family that have a BPL card are allowed to get education from government schools without paying the fee. Stationery and schools dress are also provided to them.

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