Russia showed a great gesture of friendship towards India by recognising the disputed area as integral part of Indian region.


Moscow: India’s friend Russia has recognized Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of India. This has been seen in the map of SCO member countries issued by the Russian government. According to media reports, the map released shows Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) and Aksai Chin as well as the entire Arunachal Pradesh as part of India. Despite Pakistan and China being member countries of the SCO, Moscow has taken this step. 
This map has further strengthened the Indian side on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at the international level and within the SCO.

The Soviet Union and Russia have backed India on Kashmir since 1947 and have used veto in the UNSC to block anti-India resolutions. Moscow has repeatedly said Kashmir was a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan, preventing any internationalisation of the dispute.

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