What Indians worry about most, read the survey report by 'Ipsos'.


Urban Indians are most worried about unemployment (39 per cent), financial and political corruption (27 per cent), crime and violence (25 per cent), poverty, social inequality (22 per cent) and climate change (22 per cent) in the month of October, revealed Ipsos What Worries the World survey.

At least 2 in 10 urban Indians were worried about inflation (21 per cent), and India was placed last among 29 markets in its worry around inflation. 

Ipsos in India said, “India is still reeling under the collateral impact of the prolonged coronavirus and global slowdown of the economy due to the war in Ukraine, which are impacting jobs, leading to rising in corruption, crime and social inequality. Even the inflation impact is manifesting itself though India is better placed than its global counterparts due to the government’s steps to keep the fuel prices in check. Floods and adverse climate impacts are making urban Indians worry about climate change. These issues need to be addressed by the government first.

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