Women empowerment


is empowerment really empowering a woman? The answer we will have not sure because the empowerment is only for highly educated society but common women are still suffering. Whether it is property matter,basic needs or any growth in life, women are still dependent on others.But why it’s happening despite women’s participation in every thing. Some orthodox people are still not happy with the success of women because they think that their male members progress is inversely proportional to female members of the family. So this could be the one of the main reason that females are not getting enough opportunity as they deserve.A men have to take responsibility of their own capabilities and should invest in themselves to grow irrespective of creating hurdles in others path . And a woman should also stop being dependent on men. This both individual should grow individually and should help each other to grow.That is the only way society’s every aspect will flourish in life and so the country will flourish.

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