International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023


International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023, is to shed light on the hurdles linked to the practical administration of all the most modern information being produced in educational research, from a multidisciplinary perspective. Today, more than ever, budding academics, scholars, and researchers in the initial degrees of their careers are discovering it to be increasingly difficult to keep up-to-date with advancements that are taking place. This convention strives to assist them in keeping up with all these developments.

The intention of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023, is for authorities, academics, professionals, and students involved in educational research from a multidisciplinary perspective, from all over the globe, to gather collectively and bestow contemporaneous research findings that familiarize and enlighten participants concerning the advancements that have been taking place

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) 2023, supports all researchers (budding and veteran) to present their investigative research outcomes by exhibiting appropriate study articles/presentations/papers at the event, no matter what particular discipline of educational research, they practice in. Those responsible for the most excellent research articles will be rewarded well. They will obtain an unbelievable chance to have their research conclusions and outcomes distributed in prime publications and magazines known and recognized throughout the world. This will not only assist them in obtaining the required exposure that they require to spread the word about their investigative work amongst international research societies but additionally pave the way to a host of unbelievable possibilities for funding and carrying out advanced research projects.

Submission Guidelines

The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Educational Administration
  • Creative Technologies in Education
  • Technology Management in Education
  • Teaching and Instruction
  • Curriculum Design
  • Pedagogy
  • E-Learning
  • Social Media in Education
  • Buddhist and Psychological Education
  • Social Science Education
  • Professional Learning Community
  • Educational Research
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
  • Buddhist Studies
  • Buddhist Psychology
  • Buddhist Management
  • Linguistics
  • English Studies
  • Meditation Innovation
  • Public Administration
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Development
  • Economics
  • Peace Studies
  • Humanities
  • Political Sciences

Important Dates

  • Important Dates

    Date for Submission of Papers

    20 March 2023 (without Late fee)

    30 March 2023 (with late fee)

    Acceptance Mail for Papers

    10 April 2023

    Date of Online Conference

    20-22 April 2023


For more details Visit:

Email id for Submission of Papers


Special Issue for Conference Papers

Visit conference Official Site at

ISBN for Conference Proceedings 

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