How to set up Hardware for securing your crypto assets.


 Have you ever heard of the term hardware wallets? If yes, you wish to know about it in depth. So this article says all about hardware wallets. In other words, hardware wallets are known as cold storage devices. It is a wallet to save private keys through the use of hardware devices that can be accessed by anyone at any time. These wallets allow us to store cryptocurrency assets in private keys via offline mode. In case you wish to get cash anytime simply unlock the hardware wallet and collect it.  You can Go URL for crypto trading and investment by logging into BitIQ.

It is one of the best wallets in terms of privacy. Read this blog till the last part to know about it in brief.

Photo by Marta Branco on

What does the hardware wallet mean?

What it is? It is a simple wallet that provides more security for crypto and another valuable asset. If you are looking for a trusted source offline, hardware wallets are the best. You can save private keys, passwords, pins, and many more in this wallet. It also secures currencies from thefts which is occurring commonly these days. 

To date, there are no wallets found to provide such excellent security as these hardware wallets. It allows you to access your token supply through which you can receive and share payment anyway and anytime you wish to from any location. All you need is a stable internet connection to use it at any place.

Overview of private keys

First of all private key is a number. This is used to send and receive payment digitally. In this transmission, you won’t need any other person to transfer payments. 

Today the entire blockchain technology is relying on this wallet. The main aim of private keys is to protect personal currencies from several attacks and malicious activities. This allows you to access your wallet yourself. As a result, all your financial affairs are under your hand. No one may it be a person or any organization no one can access to control your system without your permission. 

There is one more key that is public key but that is quite different from public ones. If you lose your private key you cannot access your wallet anymore but that’s not the case with public keys. It is advised everyone not show their private keys online and it is only because of security concerns.

Benefits of hardware wallets

These are some of the benefits you get if you are using a hardware wallet.


You have complete authority over the private keys you created. No one else is authorized to use or access it under any condition. You won’t need to insert the key on any hardware devices. Moreover, your keys are not stored anywhere in the system. Hence, it is much more secure.


Suppose you lost your wallet but you do have a seed phrase then what to do? You can simply again create the keys and access money from your wallets.


Safety is the major point for which people look over to use hardware wallets. Fraudulent transactions are quite hard via hardware wallets. Still, if you lose, there is a high chance that you will get it back soon.


Extra security is provided to customers by keeping keys in hardware devices. Also, this prevents people from showing it online. As we all know private keys are offline so it provides better security being offline.

How can one set up their hardware wallets?

It is not that difficult to set up the hardware wallets. All you need to do is follow the easy step and you can achieve it. Read the below-listed steps to know how to create it. 

1. Firstly you will need to purchase the device which can be purchased from any manufacturer or retail outlets. 

2. After which you get the device you need to set up a pin. 

3. Then you need to download the appropriate software to transfer money.

4. You will get a seed phrase digit which you will have to save.

5. Then connect it with any device to transfer tokens.

6. Now you are ready to transfer any currency in hardware wallets.


Now secure your currency with hardware wallets. Get help from bitcoin smart for any cryptocurrency. Anyone can trade cryptocurrencies on Bitcoin smart.

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