Top 10k Bitcoin investors control one-third of the supply.


 As we all know, bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies today in the market. No matter whether you like it or not, it has become the first crypto in the world. It is one of the nearing things to decentralized assets. 

The thing which one should note is that it has some pressure points. For pressure points, we do not mean failure. It refers to the investors who have invested hugely in bitcoins. It is to be determined whether such currencies will take off the market any day. If you want to invest in bitcoins then you can visit online trading platforms like Limmercoin

Santoshi Nakamoto

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Santoshi Nakamoto is one of the founders who has the largest number of bitcoin today. We exactly don’t know if he came to the top list individually or in a group. But he holds around 1 million bitcoins today. This million in total means 5.2% of the total supply of BTC. And this becomes a huge amount. 

Still, no one is aware of Santoshi Nakamoto. However, it is a great risk for a person to such any currency in such a large number. 

According to Coinbase, it is a big risk for his businesses. This news was viral among the public in the year 2021. Also, it has been said that an anonymous person Santoshi Nakamoto holds the largest number of bitcoin, which is a huge risk. 

It is a fool’s game to speculate on Santoshi Nakamoto’s identity. Even Bitcoins he is holding can be lost forever. There is no difficulty in observing the coinbase listing it as a risk on its filling. All we can say is a person has around 5.2 percent of BTC. But no one can even determine who can have it. 

Bitcoin whales

After knowing about Nakamoto, it was found that there are some wallets where there are bitcoins available. National Bureau of economic research said that the top 10000 Bitcoin investors on the list have around one-third of the total supply. 

It is not an appropriate value but is an approximation. Hence, it is likely, not possible to control such a huge number by a single person. As discussed above, Nakamoto is the one to hold 5.2 percent of BTC. But no one has any idea whether he is owned as an individual or not. 

Bitcoin returned almost 230 percent of bitcoin in the years 2011 and 2021. It is doing so to outperform the financial asset of the world. It is a piece of shocking news that an individual is holding such a large amount of BTC. 

If you would have invested something 2000 dollars in the year 2010, you will get around 10000 bitcoins. That number of BTC costs 26 dollars in today’s time. As a result, the person who involved themselves in it too early has a lot of supply today and has earned huge from it. 

Also, it has been researched that only 114 addresses throughout the world contain 10000 bitcoins and more. so, these 114 addresses have almost 15.5 percent of the total supply of bitcoins. 

Some entities that have the largest number of bitcoins today

Not only individuals but there are some entities too who hold the largest number of BTC in the world. Among which the first is Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy who has 130000 bitcoins today. This number in approximation refers to 0.68 percent of the total supply. And hence it is a huge amount for any big company. But they have a fear that if in case the price of BTC decreases then what shall happen? 

Not only MicroStrategy but there is one more Chinese company holding a large number of BTC. That private company is which has currently 140000 bitcoins. This company has the highest number of bitcoin by a single entity. 


So there isn’t any doubt that the fundamentals of BTC make it a decentralized asset. The no downward of this currency made it a decentralized asset in the real world. Many entities and persons are holding Bitcoin today in huge numbers. For the early investors it is just marvelous as they can earn huge from it now. So, still, if you like to invest in any such currencies, bitcoin smart seems the best choice for you. 

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