20 diverse Research Grants available across various fields:


 20 diverse research grants available across various fields:

  1. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants: Offering numerous opportunities across biomedical and health-related research.
  2. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants: Supporting fundamental research and education in all fields of science and engineering.
  3. European Research Council (ERC) Grants: Funding for groundbreaking research across various disciplines in Europe.
  4. Wellcome Trust Grants: Supporting biomedical research, healthcare, and medical innovation globally.
  5. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants: Focusing on global health, poverty alleviation, and education initiatives.
  6. Google Research Awards: Funding for innovative computer science research projects.
  7. US Department of Energy (DOE) Grants: Supporting research in energy, technology, and national security.
  8. American Heart Association Grants: Funding cardiovascular research and initiatives.
  9. MacArthur Foundation Grants: Supporting projects aimed at addressing critical social challenges.
  10. Smithsonian Research Grants: Funding opportunities for various fields in science, art, history, and culture.
  11. Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Grants: Supporting international collaborations in life sciences.
  12. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Grants: Funding for biomedical research and science education.
  13. European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Grants: Supporting life sciences research and training in Europe.
  14. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grants: Focusing on science, technology, economics, and more.
  15. National Geographic Society Grants: Funding for research and exploration in natural sciences, conservation, and anthropology.
  16. European Union Horizon 2020 Grants: Funding various research and innovation projects across Europe.
  17. Spencer Foundation Grants: Supporting education research aimed at improving outcomes.
  18. Simons Foundation Grants: Funding mathematics, theoretical physics, and autism research.
  19. Arts Council England Grants: Supporting arts, culture, and creative projects across England.
  20. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants: Funding for international collaborative research in Japan.

These grants cater to diverse research interests, providing opportunities for scientists, scholars, and innovators worldwide to pursue impactful projects in their respective fields.

You can also refer to Research Grants

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