CWIT Short Research Grants


CWIT, or the Center for Women and Information Technology, Short Research Grants are initiatives designed to foster and support research endeavors that explore the intersection of gender and technology. These grants are often aimed at researchers, scholars, and practitioners eager to investigate various facets of gender inclusivity, equity, and diversity within the realm of technology.

The primary focus of CWIT Short Research Grants lies in promoting understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities faced by women and other underrepresented groups in the field of information technology. This could encompass a wide array of topics, such as:

  1. Gender Disparities in Tech: Research might delve into the reasons behind the gender gap in STEM fields, exploring socio-cultural, educational, or workplace factors contributing to this divide.
  2. Inclusive Practices: Projects might investigate strategies and practices that foster inclusivity in tech, including examining successful initiatives or proposing new approaches for cultivating diverse and inclusive environments.
  3. Impact of Representation: Exploring the impact of representation—both in terms of role models and diverse perspectives—on encouraging more women and minorities to pursue careers in information technology.
  4. Bias and Discrimination: Investigating biases and discrimination within tech environments, whether in algorithms, hiring processes, or workplace culture, and proposing solutions to mitigate these issues.
  5. Technology and Social Change: Research might also explore how technology can be a tool for social change, examining its role in promoting gender equality and equity.

The grants offered by CWIT often provide financial support, resources, and sometimes mentorship or networking opportunities for researchers embarking on these investigations. The ultimate goal is to not only shed light on existing challenges but also to propose actionable solutions and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse tech landscape.

These grants play a crucial role in fostering a more diverse and equitable tech industry by supporting the research that drives understanding and change. Through the insights gained from these projects, it’s possible to implement policies, strategies, and practices that create more inclusive environments where everyone, regardless of gender or background, can thrive and contribute to the ever-evolving field of technology.

CWIT gives around 15 grants each year for short-term research (usually around three weeks). These grants are primarily for academic researchers, however, professionals working in the arts or conservation sectors may also apply. From 2022 we are no longer accepting emailed applications. Please refer to the  CWIT website page here check the guidelines carefully before you apply. 

Only applications submitted online via the CWIT website before 17.00 hours (IST) on 28 February 2024 will be considered eligible.  Successful applicants will be awarded a one-off grant of £1,500 towards the costs of their short stay in the UK. 

The grants are payable on arrival in the UK and do not cover international fares

Please note researchers planning to use libraries like the British Library can often prepare extensively from on line sources thus maximizing their use of time in the UK. Those with questions about material held in the Oriental and India Office Collection at the British Library should e-mail

Applications are welcome from those doing archival research, consulting colleagues or preparing for publication. Preference is given to postdoctoral applicants though applicants in the later stages of their doctorates will also be considered.

Applicants planning to stay in the UK for longer than three weeks will need to supplement the CWIT grant from other sources e.g a grant from the Indian Council for Historical Research.

Applications for Charles Wallace India Trust short term research grant are now Open, last date to apply 28 February 2024.

Fields covered:

History, literature, archaeology, history of art, philosophy, performing and creative arts

Fields not covered:

Management, science, economics, law, development studies, anthropology, contemporary international relations, publishing

This in an illustrative list,intended as a guide. If you are doubtful about eligibility please ask.

For more information, please write to

Application guidelines

Applications should include:

  • Brief CV including e-mail and postal address and photo
  • Emergency name and contact details in India
  • A clear statement of what you want to achieve in the UK, and for academic researchers what sources you wish to consult- be as specific as possible and don’t write more than 2-3 pages
  • An indication of how much time you wish to spend in the UK- remember the CWIT grant is reckoned to be sufficient for about 3 weeks
  • Names and addresses of two referees who know your work well and who have agreed to be referees
  • An assurance that you are within the eligible age range and haven’t received a CWIT grant within the last 5 years


Applicants should:

  • be Indian citizens living in India
  • be between 25 and 45
  • have good knowledge of English
  • have completed their studies and have 4 or more years of research or experience in their specialization, or be in the final stages of their doctorate
  • state clearly and exactly what they want to do in the UK and which archival material they wish to consult
  • where relevant say whether they have contacted academic or professional contacts who have agreed to meet them
  • state how they plan to use the experience on their return to India
  • not have received a CWIT grant within the previous 5 years.


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