Diary of a final year student



Let me show you my Diary

16th March

Due to Corona pandamic I received a mail, that University will be closed for a month and asked us to pack our things from hostel. Our wardens told us to book tickets so that we can reach our homes as soon as possible. Whole hostel is celebrating this unexpected pandamic vacation while I was thinking when will be my final year farewell party. As I went into my room I saw my friends packing their stuffs. I took my keys to open my cupboard to pack my stuffs along with them.

The last supper of my university life with my friends. Tomorrow we all will be leaving to the our native places. We hugged tightly one last time and walked around our campus. This is my Online Diary

28th April

All the classes which we left half way are completed as online classes. Final year project reviews are also conducted on online. Basically all my classes and exams are over.

5th May

Those who are placed on campus placements are suddenly started getting mails like work as an intern or will call you after this pandamic over. Only few managed to stay placed. I planned to do higher studies in abroad and now I am left with no job in my hand.

1st June

My goals are changed. I am leading my life in a new path which I can't even dream before this pandamic. I started preparing for civil services examination. I am a volunteering teacher in a village school. I am teaching online class to the underprivileged children.
Never in my all 21 years of life I taught I will have a goal to become a civil services officer, because my past goal is used to be. To study masters in a Ivy league college and to do further researches in my dream field.
But there is a saying,

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

— Willie Nelson

15th June

This pandamic made me realise that I am a person who is filled with lots of emotion and craving for satisfaction in all the things that I am doing. My frozen heart which always runs towards money is now running towards humanity. 

22nd June

Everything changed from what it used to before corona. There is still a chance to follow my past dreams or I can pursuit my new goals. Eventhough thousands of questions arises in my mind and everything is not hundred percent perfect I am confident in myself that I can overcome this.

30th June

I am finally graduated! No farewell... No graduation ceremony... No job fair... All these things are telling me situation is not normal yet. But I am proud of myself that I faced everything which I couldn't even dare to imagine a year before.

“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”     

-Walt Disney
The first step is to take a step first.
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