Research Grants for PhD & Postdocs


 Are you interested in conducting research in Germany or pursuing a research career in Germany? Here you will find information about where you can conduct research and work in Germany, as well as the various opportunities science and research can offer in Germany. Support ranges from funding for conferences to language programs in Germany. 

The German Academic Exchange Service, known as DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), offers an array of research grants for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from around the world. These grants provide financial support, allowing recipients to pursue research opportunities at universities, research institutions, or other academic organizations in Germany.

  1. PhD Research Grants: For individuals pursuing a doctoral degree, DAAD offers various funding options such as the Research Grants - Doctoral Program, which supports short-term research stays for doctoral candidates. It enables them to conduct research in Germany for a period of 1-10 months.
  2. Postdoctoral Research Grants: These grants cater to scholars who have recently completed their doctorate and are seeking opportunities to advance their research. The Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.) program is one such initiative by DAAD. It provides funding for up to 18 months, split between research abroad and reintegration phases in Germany.
  3. Specialized Grants: DAAD also offers specific grants targeting particular fields of study, interdisciplinary research, or collaborative projects. These could include grants for subjects like renewable energy, sustainability, medicine, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.
  4. Eligibility and Requirements: The eligibility criteria for these grants typically involve academic excellence, a well-defined research proposal, and a collaboration agreement with a German host institution or supervisor. Proficiency in German may be required for some programs, although many research opportunities are available in English.
  5. Application Process: Applicants usually need to submit a detailed research proposal, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose outlining their research objectives. The application process is competitive, and candidates are selected based on the quality and feasibility of their research proposals.
  6. Benefits: Successful applicants receive financial support in the form of stipends, travel allowances, health insurance, and sometimes assistance with language courses. Additionally, they gain exposure to Germany's renowned research facilities, academic networks, and cultural experiences.
  7. Duration and Extensions: The duration of these grants varies based on the specific program. Extensions might be possible, subject to funding availability and the approval of the host institution.

DAAD's research grants play a vital role in fostering international collaboration, supporting academic exchange, and promoting innovative research endeavors. They contribute significantly to the development of global academic networks and the advancement of knowledge across various fields of study. Prospective applicants should regularly check DAAD's official website for updated information regarding available programs, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines.

Click on the links below to see what opportunities may be relevant for you.




There are several different Research Grants available ranging from short time periods to several years. If you would like to pursue research in the field of German Studies, you may want to consider looking into our German Studies Research Grant.

Shot of a young man writing on a whiteboard while students look on.



Research Grants DAAD & Partners

DAAD has partnered with other research institutes in order to offer you a breadth of research opportunities in various fields. Take a look at the offers below to find just the right fit for you.




You can gain practical research or work experience by doing an internship in Germany. From research in academia to internships at German companies - the choice is yours.



Learn German

The best way to learn German is to spend time in Germany. Take a look at the grant opportunities below to further your studies of the German language.

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