What is KOPPACT?


 KOPPACT is an acronym that stands for Kinesics, Oculesics, Paralanguage, proteomics, Chromatics, Tactics. These all are the variations of different kinds of nonverbal language.


Kinesics discusses different kinds of body language, gestures, postures, facial expressions, and so on. In nonverbal, there are many things like voice quality, adapters, regulators, and many which impact communication. Its say facial expressions are the most important as it takes the impression of 55% of total communication. The postures reflect people’s emotions, quality of thoughts, and personality. Research says postures reflect one’s confidence, receptivity, status to the listener. Gestures are very much related to our daily life. It supports our opinions like moving hands, giving nods, etc. It is very important to take care of the body language while you are representing yourself because it tells half of your personality.


Oculesics include eye contact. Proper eye contact is very important during any conversation. It not only proves your confidence level but helps you to connect with your audience. It helps to bring engagements, interest attention, and so on. It has three basic purposes to serve. Firstly it helps to get feedback. During a conversation or presentation if you look to someone you can easily understand by their eye movements what the are feeling. Secondly, it helps to indicate without uttering a word of address. For instance, if you are talking with some time and when the turn of the next person comes you just look at the person and give a signal of his/her turn. Thirdly it gives a vivid indication if you are liking a person or not. Usually, when we don’t like a person, we try to avoid eye contact.


Proxemics tells about spatial distance. The space distance between two people can reflect the dimension of their relationship. An intimate relation, closeness, group, or society, all can be reflected by their spatial distance. There are zones in the space language, which is called spatial distance. The intimate zone is 0’-18", Personal Zone is 18”-4', the social zone is 4’-12' and the public zone is 12’- rest.


Paralanguage includes the pitch and tone of the verbal message. Voice is very important because it collects the attention of the people. Not only that it carries the mood of the words, if its sarcastic, anger, happy and more. It highlights the message’s importance. It refers to how something is said, not what is said".


Artifacts are the artificial things that one carries. For instance, the dressing of a person or some kind of stuff can refer to the personality of the person. It also helps to impress people, drag attention. It helps to analyze better and it also impacts the nonverbal communication.


It indicates a sense of timing. The beginning of the event and the end is very important. It helps to sync between verbal and nonverbal communication. During a presentation, if someone continuously checks the time, it can distract people from listening and also hamper the attention with the presentation quality. So, interval time, temporal processing, cognition all are very important.


It helps to judge the people and their intentions. It helps to understand the positive and negative signals. Some touch can make you feel comfortable some are not. A weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, and a tight hug or slap on the back can reassure the relationship. You can’t get into someone’s territory without knowing. You should know, whom you can touch, when you can touch and how you can touch.

These languages which impact our daily conversation and make it better.

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