Factors influencing the rise of Bitcoin’s market price


  Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that was created in 2009 gained its reputation in the year 2020 as it marked an alleged rise in value before the start of the pandemic. Bitcoin was at its lowest limit during the Covid period raking in $4,000 in value and reaching a stupendous amount of $30,000 at the end of the fiscal year. Within a few days, the value reached a peak of $40,000 and in 2021 it skyrocketed to over $65,000 for Bitcoin investors to sell them as assets and earned even billions and millions. Thus, it is essential to check the different factors involved before buying a cryptocurrency for trading purposes. Learn More

Over 18,000 different cryptocurrencies are in the existence among them Bitcoin stands tall. With the increase in the value of Bitcoins, other cryptocurrencies are also increasing in value over the longer term. However, there are several reasons why bitcoin shows such volatility and those reasons have marked the growth in the rates of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. A few of the essential factors are demonstrated below.

Factors influencing the rise of rates and values of Bitcoin cryptocurrency:

According to News reports, Bitcoin has staggered its way up from $0 in 2016 and now in 2022, it is around $20,600 as of November. Many factors are responsible for the increase in the values and rates of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. 

  1. Increase in Bitcoin investors:

The major reason for an increase in Bitcoin value and rates is because of the high increase in Bitcoin investors. Many organizations and service providers have staked in hefty amounts for buying Bitcoins for trading purposes. According to news sources-

  • companies like J.P. Morgan have invested quite heavily in cryptocurrencies. 
  • Companies like PayPal have introduced services for purchasing, selling, and trading purposes using Bitcoins. 
  • Visa has also been favorable to Bitcoins by introducing debit and credit cards for the trading platform Coinbase.
  • Many other mammoth organizations are accepting bitcoins as a payment method and also utilizing services for trading purposes. 

With the increase in investors, the Bitcoin applications such as bitcoin-prime.nl have become quite easy to login into accounts and trade over different cryptocurrencies. Digital wallets and private keys need to be kept safe from any unwanted intrusion into the Bitcoin account.

  • Inflation due to the Covid-19 pandemic:

Another increase in the value of Bitcoins is due to Covid 19 pandemic issues. This has evolved into banks printing more money and the government imposing extensive packages by driving up inflation. In the last financial year, the government of the United States deducted a 2% rise in the initial economic showdown. 

Therefore, keeping Bitcoins seems to be wiser for people. Possessing Bitcoins shortly can help investors in getting increased rates over the same. According to News agencies, the utilization of Bitcoin would go up in several folds and individuals would stick to Bitcoins for transactional purposes. Bitcoin is kept at a margin of 21 million units whereas around 18 million units of Bitcoins are been utilized to date by individuals.

  • Safe and secure cryptocurrency with strong policies:

Another important aspect of the rising values and rates of Bitcoins is that they are safe and secured cryptocurrencies utilized by many financial companies worldwide. The policy is also updated over stringent approvals where individuals have fewer chances of losing assets.

  • Some companies like Tesla and Expedia utilize Bitcoins for buying cars and booking hotels and flights. 
  • Companies like PayPal, Microsoft, and Shopify utilize Bitcoins for shopping purposes and individuals can purchase software, add-ons, mods, and even products to buy from such portals. 
  • Easily available cryptos for trading:

Another important aspect of the growing utilization of Bitcoins is that it is available to the general public easily. Bitcoins are quite volatile and prices may increase or decrease depending on the utilization of the cryptocurrency for trading purposes. Bitcoins have a really good store value and individuals can convert their cash to the bitcoin value and store it for prospects. Some even tend to buy assets utilizing bitcoins and store them for reselling purposes soon.


Thus, the above-mentioned points prove that saving Bitcoins can help with numerous advantages over the period. It is also essential to check with the different trading platforms for utilizing it in buying Bitcoins. Some trading platforms provide utilization of a decentralized process for storing bitcoins using a secure blockchain methodology. It is also advisable to check the different policies involved before buying Bitcoins for personal purposes.

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