Biography of Srila Prabhupada


 Srila Prabhupada was an Indian spiritual leader and the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), commonly known as the Hare Krishna Movement. His full name is Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and he was born on September 1, 1896, in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. He passed away on November 14, 1977, in Vrindavan, India. Srila Prabhupada's life and teachings have had a profound impact on the global spread of the Vaishnavism tradition and the practice of Bhakti yoga.

Early Life and Education

Prabhupada was born into a pious Hindu family and was given the name Abhay Charan De. From a young age, he displayed a keen interest in spirituality and devotion to Krishna. He was educated at the Scottish Church College in Calcutta, where he studied English, philosophy, and science.

Meeting His Guru

In 1922, Prabhupada met his spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who was the leader of the Gaudiya Math, a prominent Vaishnava organization. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati urged him to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna in the English-speaking world. This meeting profoundly influenced Prabhupada's life, setting him on a path of deep spiritual practice and devotion.

Early Career and Spiritual Dedication

After completing his education, Prabhupada married and became a businessman, working in the pharmaceutical industry. Despite his professional obligations, he maintained a rigorous spiritual practice and was deeply involved in the activities of the Gaudiya Math. In 1950, he took a vow of renunciation and became a sannyasi, dedicating himself entirely to spiritual life.

Founding ISKCON and Global Mission

In 1965, at the age of 69, Prabhupada traveled to the United States with the aim of spreading Krishna consciousness. He arrived in New York City with just a few dollars and began his mission by chanting in public places and delivering lectures on the Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic scriptures.

In 1966, he founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in New York City. ISKCON quickly gained followers, particularly among the countercultural youth of the 1960s. Prabhupada's teachings emphasized the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, devotion to Krishna, and the practice of Bhakti yoga.

Literary Contributions

Prabhupada was a prolific writer and translator. His most significant literary works include translations and commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita, the Srimad Bhagavatam, and the Chaitanya Charitamrita. His books have been translated into numerous languages and have introduced millions to the teachings of Krishna consciousness.

Legacy and Impact

Under Prabhupada's guidance, ISKCON grew into a global movement with hundreds of temples, schools, farms, and restaurants around the world. His teachings emphasized living a life centered around devotion to God, compassion for all living beings, and the importance of spiritual education.

Prabhupada's legacy continues through the work of his disciples and the ongoing activities of ISKCON. His life is a testament to the power of dedication, spiritual conviction, and the ability to inspire and transform lives across different cultures and backgrounds.

Further Readings:

  • "Srila Prabhupada-lilamrita" by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
  • "The Journey of Self-Discovery" by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

His life remains an inspiration to many who seek to live a life of devotion, service, and spiritual awakening.

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