Utkalamani Pandit Gopabandhu Das: A Biography



Early Life and Education

Pandit Gopabandhu Das, often revered as "Utkalamani" or "The Jewel of Odisha," was born on October 9, 1877, in the village of Suando in Puri district, Odisha, India. His parents, Shrimati Swarnamayee Devi and Shree Daitari Dash, instilled in him a strong sense of morality and a commitment to social service from a young age. Gopabandhu's early education took place in his village, after which he attended Puri Zilla School. Demonstrating academic brilliance, he continued his education at Ravenshaw College in Cuttack, where he earned a degree in Arts. He later pursued law at Calcutta University, which equipped him with the knowledge and skills to advocate for social justice and reform.

Political and Social Activism

Gopabandhu Das was not just a scholar but a passionate activist committed to the upliftment of the downtrodden. His foray into politics was driven by a deep desire to fight against the oppressive British colonial rule and to work for the socio-economic betterment of his fellow Odias. He became a prominent leader in the Indian National Congress and participated actively in the freedom struggle, advocating non-violent resistance and civil disobedience.

However, his contributions extended far beyond the political arena. Gopabandhu was deeply concerned with the social and educational upliftment of Odisha. He believed that true freedom could only be achieved through education and social reform. To this end, he founded the Satyabadi Bana Bidyalaya at Sakshi Gopal in 1909, which became a beacon of progressive education, focusing on the all-around development of students, blending traditional and modern methods of learning.

Literary Contributions

Gopabandhu Das was also a prolific writer and poet, using his literary talents to inspire and mobilize the masses. His works are marked by their patriotic fervor, social consciousness, and simplicity, making them accessible to a broad audience. His notable literary contributions include:

  • "Kara Kabita": A collection of poems written during his imprisonment, reflecting his indomitable spirit and love for the nation.
  • "Bandira Atmakatha": His autobiography, providing deep insights into his life, struggles, and philosophy.

Journalism and the Establishment of "The Samaja"

In 1919, Gopabandhu Das founded "The Samaja," a newspaper that played a crucial role in awakening nationalistic sentiments among the people of Odisha. The newspaper became a powerful tool for disseminating information, promoting social reforms, and rallying support for the freedom movement. Under his stewardship, "The Samaja" advocated for the rights of the oppressed, exposed injustices, and fostered a sense of unity and pride among Odias.

Personal Life and Legacy

Gopabandhu Das was a man of profound humility and simplicity, characteristics that endeared him to people from all walks of life. Despite facing personal tragedies, including the loss of his wife and children, he remained steadfast in his commitment to serving humanity.

Pandit Gopabandhu Das passed away on June 17, 1928, but his legacy endures. He is remembered as a visionary leader, a compassionate social reformer, and a dedicated educator who laid the groundwork for modern Odisha. His life's work continues to inspire generations to strive for a just and equitable society.


Utkalamani Pandit Gopabandhu Das's life is a testament to the power of selfless service and the enduring impact of visionary leadership. His contributions to the freedom struggle, education, literature, and journalism have left an indelible mark on the history and culture of Odisha. Through his exemplary life, he showed that true greatness lies in serving others and working tirelessly for the betterment of society.

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