Overview of the National Education Policy 2020


The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) is a comprehensive framework for transforming India's education system by 2030 ¹. It replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986, and aims to increase state expenditure on education from around 3% to 6% of the GDP ¹.

*Key Features of the National Education Policy 2020*

- *Language Policy*: The policy emphasizes the use of the mother tongue as the medium of instruction till Class 5, with the option to continue till Class 8 and beyond ¹. It also recommends the study of three languages, with at least two being native to India ¹.

- *School Education*: The policy focuses on achieving universal foundational literacy and numeracy by 2025 ¹. It proposes a new structure of 5+3+3+4, replacing the existing 10+2 structure ¹. Board exams will be re-designed, and students will have the option to take exams twice a year ¹.

- *Higher Education*: The policy proposes a 4-year multi-disciplinary bachelor's degree with multiple exit options ¹. It also aims to increase the gross enrollment ratio and proposes the establishment of a Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) ¹.

- *Internationalization*: The policy allows foreign universities to set up campuses in India and proposes the internationalization of education ¹.

- *Teachers*: The policy emphasizes the importance of teachers and proposes a 4-year Bachelor of Education as the minimum requirement to become a teacher by 2030 ¹.

- *EdTech*: The policy provides guidelines and support for EdTech companies and startups to develop learning management systems and other educational technologies ¹.

*Reception of the National Education Policy 2020*

The policy has received both praise and criticism from various stakeholders ¹. Some have appreciated the policy's focus on foundational literacy and numeracy, while others have raised concerns about the implementation and potential commercialization of education ¹.
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