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The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has released an Africa Report on New and Emerging Challenges in Africa, highlighting the challenges faced by African countries in achieving sustainable development goals. The report highlights the adverse impact of climate change, increasing water scarcity, biodiversity and ecosystem loss, desertification, low resilience to natural disasters, potential non-achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), energy crisis, food crisis, limited benefits from globalisation, health security, the global financial crisis, trafficking and piracy, low penetration of ICT services, urbanisation, need to develop better disaster response mechanisms, genetically modified crops, and technology transfer. Africa is largely dependent on natural resources for growth and development, but the realisation of these goals may be hindered by climate change. The continent's low adaptive capacity is the main cause of biodiversity loss, which requires long-term solutions such as the development and implementation of appropriate policy guidelines, institutional capacity-building, and deployment of adequate resources. Africa's highly variable rainfall results in uneven distribution of water resources, with less than 4% of the potential harnessed and developed for irrigation. Measures need to be taken to improve water management and storage capacity to ensure a continued supply of water for domestic and economic purposes and ecosystem balance. Despite the global food crisis, persistently high food prices remain a problem in many African countries due to droughts, reduced yields, depleting cereal stocks, and multiple demands on existing stocks for human and animal consumption, as well as biofuels.


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