

Even in 2022 , where everybody preaches equality , Dalits are  still considered as a lower cast and have to face discriminat…

गाँधी जी – एक ईमानदार इंसान

सत्य और अहिंसा के पुजारी महात्मा गाँधी के जीवन से जुड़े किस्से और कहानियां काफी रोचक रही हैं।आज भी गाँधी जी को श्रद्धांजलि अर…

The World Runs on Finance

Wherever you go, you hear the terms of budget, loans, bonds, stocks, crypto, and many more. Finance has become one of the hi…

Photography 101: Equipment

Photos are memories that you can visit every time you look at them. It could be on your phone, in a frame, or on your camera…

Arrival of Portuguese in India

The Portuguese State of India was a Portuguese colonial state on the Indian Subcontinent. Vasco De Gama was the first Portug…

Forgotten Inventions by Indian sages

Many modern-day scientists see themselves as the first to create all the technological advancements we use today. Yet many o…

Doctrines of Indian constitution

Indian constitution is one of the largest constitutions in the world. Even though it is a compilation of borrowed ideas from…

The women’s suffrage movement

The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on August 18, 1920. It declares that “The right of citizens of …

Tips to help you declutter

The idea of living a simple life with less stuff sounds attractive to many but seems almost impossible to get rid of stuff y…

Why should one get enough sleep?

We all need sleep, get most of us take it for granted by staying up for  long hours at night watching a screen or blocking t…

Earth Day 2022

HISTORY OF EARTH DAY: The first Earth Day in 1970 launched a wave of action, including the passage …


Source: Google The color green is often associated with sustainability and environment protection. Similarly, when we refer …

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