
Web 3.0 : Financial Service Industry

How will the evolution of the web have an effect on Financial Services? This is a question that puts many financial institut…

Yoga asanas to help relieve back pain

Practicing yoga for even a few minutes a day can help you gain more awareness of your body. This will help you notice where …

Low-Maintenance Houseplants to grow

There are endless varieties of indoor plants to choose from, and if you’ve never cared for a plant before, you might have no…

Healthy snacking to switch to.

Snacking refers to the intake of foods during the day other than your main meals. Snacks typically consist of smaller food p…


Doodles are a common means of expression in today’s world. From Google’s daily doodles to Instagrammers’ daily posts, it is …

Tips to help you declutter

The idea of living a simple life with less stuff sounds attractive to many but seems almost impossible to get rid of stuff y…

Veganism in a Nutshell

Once considered a niche diet, veganism has gone mainstream — so much so that the number of people following a vegan diet has…

Life insurance corporation of India

Life insurance corporation of India has initiated its initial public offer for five percent of its shares. It is one of the …


“The elections are the greatest symbol of participation and political reform”                                               …


Financial inclusion may be defined as the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate credit wh…

Green consumerism: New way of life

We all are consumers in some way or the other. Even before we are born, we are consumers and this cycle completes only after…

How to spot a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of “investors.”  The i…

Defining tourism in modern world

Tourism is one among those economic activities that existed since the ancient times. During ancient and medieval era people …

World immunization week

After two long years of Covid 19 and its difficulties world is getting back to normalcy. Covid vaccines are the most importa…

Explaining Autism

There are many people around us of different age groups that are either diagnosed or have underlying symptoms of autism. Aut…

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