News Analysis

General Science

General science is a field of study that encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, p…

What a filibuster is.

Traditionally, the Senate filibuster was reserved for only the most controversial issues, but its use has escalated in recen…

Understanding inflation

Inflation is a term we here very frequently in today’s world. Several economies of the world are now in the crunches of infl…

Narmada Bachao Andolan

In 1985, Narmada  bachao andolan became an Indian social ,and environmental movement. Narmada Bachao Andolan is the most pow…

Life insurance corporation of India

Life insurance corporation of India has initiated its initial public offer for five percent of its shares. It is one of the …


The Account Aggregator framework, introduced by the RBI, aims to make financial data more accessible by creating data interm…


“The elections are the greatest symbol of participation and political reform”                                               …

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