
In 2020, the central government had brought 3 new acts for the farmers, in which people have different opinions.

This act was approved by the Lok Sabha on 17 September 2020 and was approved by the Rajya Sabha on 20 September 2020.

And the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kobind, gave his assent to it on 27 September 2020.

What is 3 agriculture actS?

1.The Farmers Produce Trade and commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Acts,2020:

In this acts, farmers have been given the freedom to sell their crops. Because before the introduction of this acts, it used to happen that the farmers have to sell their crop APMC regulated recession. APMC [ agricultural produce marketing committees]In India, in 1950, APMC regulated market was established, which we call Krishi Mandi The agricultural markets that you see in cities, in small towns The student who is from rural area know very well about Mandi and 7000 APMC regulated slump is available in India After the introduction of this acts or the compulsion will end now that you will have to sell your crop in your regulated market. after the introduction of this acts, now farmers can sell their crops wherever they want at a good price Where farmers are getting the right price for their crops, they can sell there .It will happen that there is a system to sell the farmer without any trouble at any place in the country, inside the states and outside the country, he will get it. and it will happen that the cost of transport of farmers will be greatly reduced And the second is that you can sell your crops to other states as per your wish you will have complete freedom. The purpose of this acts is that the farmer can sell his crop to any mandi at any place anywhere. It is not necessary that he should selling his crop to your APMC regulated market, now he can sell his crop wherever he wants.

2. The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on price Assurance and Farm Services Acts,2020:

According to this acts, the farmer can make an agreement in advance. According to this acts, farmers can get agreements made with shopkeepers from companies, traders of the rate of their crop. According to this acts, the farmer can get the contract signed even before the crop is ready In which he can keep the price of his crop as much as he wants and after the crop is ready, he should get the same price. This will happen that when the farmer does farming, only then he will get assurance that he will get the price of his produce as much as he wants. And at the same time, if the price of grain in the market is more or less, then the farmer will be saved from it, he will not suffer any loss Because when the grains are already in the fixed rate, it will not harm the farmers And farmers will get the benefit of agricultural equipment and new technology .And the cost of marketing will also be reduced, there is a lot of cost that will be less As the cost of the market will also be reduced, the cost of transportation will also be reduced And if it is cross-harvested, the income of the farmers will increase. So in this bill you have to contact in advance, you have to make an agreement that when your crop is ready then you can sell it at whatever price you want. You can contact any business farmer, shopkeeper, With companies, you can contract with anyone where you are getting the right price for your crop.

3. The Essential Commodities (Amendment) acts,2020:

It’s About acts Hoarding like collecting a lot of grain According to this acts, you people have to exclude cereals, pulses, olives, onions and potatoes from essential commodities. According to this acts, the agriculture sector will get a boost. It is believed that this will give the right price to the farmers In this, there is a possibility of investment in the farm infrastructure which has become like cold storage or modernizing food supply And the competition which is the competitive market environment will be ready So according to this acts essential Commodities Act, farmers will have an increase in agricultural products in their country. So with this the farmer can keep his produce safe and will be able to sell it when the time comes.

The purpose of the government’s 3 Acts is to get the farmers the right price for their crops and the farmers themselves can decide the price of their previous crops. Farmers will have the freedom to sell their crops.

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