

We all are aware about the worse situations in INDIA due to new phase of pandemic. We all listened and watched about several heart touching incidents that happened around us, many families has destroyed because of covid-19 but we never think about the survival of children who lost their parents in these situations. Let me show you a video on statistics of children who became orphans because of pandemic.

Child hood phase is the critical phase in everyone’s life and it is essential to take care about the child in this phase because in this phase only the personality and emotional resilience will be developed but because of this pandemic situations the children who lossed their families are facing a lot of troubles in the hands of child traffickers and illegal adopters. Let me share you a story about a child who lost his parents in this pandemic and turned as a beggar on the streets.

” Once I encountered a tot on our street, he asked me 5/- to obscure his hunger. I offered him a meal instead of giving him money and later I asked him about the reason why he has turned into a beggar then he replied me that, he lost his both parents a few months ago because of covid virus and no one of his relatives doesn’t like to take care of him and with in few days one of their relatives left him in the bus stop and went away. ” After hearing to his words, I felt bad for the situations he faced with out any takecarer and immediately I decided to make a call for childline number to give him better future. I explained him about what I did for him but initially he felt scared about my proposal but after sometime he realised and felt happy. With in few days volunteer’s of some NGO who received information from childline help center rescued him successfully.

We all crave to sleep like a child. Do you savvy, there are more than twelve million children who can’t sleep due to starving stomach in India and that number has increased much more due to these pandemic situations. ”If God is the one who writes the fate, then be the demigod for these tots.” Childline 1098 is a service of Ministry of women and child development. ” CHILDLINE INDIA” a foundation which is non-governmental organization in India. It operates with a telephone helpline called childline, for children in distress. It is India’s 24-hour toll-free phone outreach service for children.

A single phone call can make a large change in the entire life of a child, It cost’s nothing guys for making a phone call guys but it can give a new life to the child who is in tough situations. We all know the role play of youth in building a nation and also we know that, today’s children are tomorrow’s leader’s. Let us all unite and play as a role of gardener’s of a garden named as India and fill it with blossoms of children’s smile.

I think I have sown a seed of spreading awareness about rescuing the homeless children using the helpline number of childline India. Remember guys nature of helping others will give us a lot self satisfaction. Guy’s please Join your hands to continue this chain, So that we can at least save few children from our side. Finally, Guys do remember the childline India helpline number (1098) to save the distressed children in our surroundings.


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