Computer Organization and Architecture(COA)


The computer organisation and architecture (COA) course is one of the most essential and comprehensive subjects since it contains many basic concepts and information required in the design of a computer system.

The COA is also the most essential component of the syllabus for all computer science degrees at all institutions, as well as for many competitive tests.This lesson is specifically created for absolute novices to understand all important subjects connected to computer organisation and architecture. All fundamental concepts such as computer system functional units, processor, microarchitecture, programme instructions, instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction pipelining, memory organisation, instruction cycle, interrupts, and other important related topics are covered in the COA important topics.

Computer Architecture 

Let us first define architecture in order to comprehend the phrase computer architecture. Architecture is described as the art and science of designing a thing. Because the building is one of the most frequent objects in the human world, we typically associate the term architecture with it. The architecture aids in the definition of functional, physical, and performance criteria for any item.

Every item in the actual world is supported by some form of architecture. An architect, for example, will define the building in terms of architectural drawings and specifications for various construction components.Similarly, the system architecture specifies the computer system’s numerous functional components and how these units are linked. It specifies the performance parameters for the system and what the system should achieve in terms of performance.

The computer architecture is a high level design specification that does not specify details of the hardware components. The computer architecture gives an abstracted view of the structure of various functional units and its behaviour. In order to build a computer system, the first step is to design and develop the system architecture. The next step in the process is to finalize the computer organization details.

Computer Organization 

Let us first define the term “organisation” in the context of computers. The term organisation is defined as organising and categorising things rationally in order to enhance practical convenience.

Computer architecture serves as the foundation for computer organisation. The system architecture is implemented by the computer organisation. Simply defined, the computer organisation is concerned with arranging various system hardware components and how these components are interrelated. The computer organisation describes the numerous hardware components associated with the various functional units found in the system.

The computer organisation is concerned with the layout of various system hardware components as well as the function of the components. The presence of distinct functional units and their components is defined by computer organisation. It also specifies how distinct functional components interact with one another.The structure and behaviour of digital computers are defined by computer organisation. The primary goal of the computer organisation is to comprehend the various computer hardware components and their interactions.

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