Judicial integration with Artificial Intelligence-


Amalgamating artificial intelligence (AI) with indian courts has now become effective in decision making process, improving judicial efficiency, expedite processes and improving access to justice. This infact has become more vital amid pandemic.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the machine intelligence, antithesis to natural intelligence possessed by humans and animals. It offers infinite possibilities to people. Machines mimic ‘human cognitive functions’ such as learning and problem solving. It is relevant to any intellectual task. Some examples of use of AI are autonomous vehicles, medical diagnosis, solving puzzles and problems, online assistants. Operation of AI, with regard to judiciary, has become another prominent feature now.

AI in Indian Judicial System-

Overburdened judiciary in India with few judges handling millions of trial cases is the salient characterstic of indian courts lead to delay in adjudication. Still many seats in courts are vacant. This not only slow down trial procedure but also drains energy and economic resources of people. AI can prove beneficial in this context. But before using AI in judiciary, it is important to identify the various legal procedure where the use of AI can prove remarkable.
Multiple realms where AI application can have a noteworthy impact are-
1. Augmenting decision making process which in turn help reduce case burdens in courts and fasten the processes. Indian courts have the highest number of cases pending before them.
2. Increase judiciary efficiency.
3. Creatively solving the legitimate issues.
4. Help judges to trial faster and more effectively.
5. Developing better legal reasoning, legal discussion and interpretation of laws.

Recent innovations-

Recently, SUPACE (Supreme Court Portal for Assistance in Court Efficiency) was launched by Supreme Court of India. This portal helps in assisting the court in improving efficiency and reducing pendency.
Another portal SUVAS assist in translation of judgements into vernacular languages from English. This is an landmark effort to enhance the access to justice to weaker section. Now, Supreme court has become the global pacesetter in application of AI and Machine Learning into judiciary.

Challenges with AI-

Before applying such technology into Judicial system, it is important to identify the potential problems and challenges causes by AI.
• Privacy of individual is at risk.
Data protection
• Ethical issues like hacking.
• Virtual court proceedings through videoconferencing creating inequality by downsizing those who cannot use it.

Even though the use of AI is prevalent in various domains, but it is still in its nascent stage in judiciary. There is an apprehension that it may widen the gap between judiciary and weaker section, perhaps becoming a issue in equal justice. Hence it should not create new inequalities and deliver justice to all according to our constitution.

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