Myths and Facts about the most common mental illness: Anxiety


Remember the feeling of nervousness and fearfulness on the first day of school/when going for a job interview/when moving to another city/when giving your first speech? Well, if you do then that feeling my friend is called Anxiety. 

Anxiety is our body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or uncertainty about what’s to show up. However, if you feel anxious on a severe level and the feelings last longer than six months and are intruding with your life, you may have an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety is the most common mental illness. Also, you have heard a lot of things about anxiety, out of them some are facts and some are myths. So, let’s have a look at some of the myths and facts about Anxiety:-

I) What are the types of Anxiety?

Myth: All anxiety is the same.

Fact: There are multiple different types of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety affects people differently. For some people, anxiety may only be experienced in certain situations, while others experience it more often. 

Common types of anxiety include:

★ General anxiety disorder

★ Panic disorder

★ Social anxiety disorder

★ Phobias

★ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

★ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

★ Separation anxiety

II) Who suffers from Anxiety?

Myth: Only adults suffer from anxiety. 

Fact: Anxiety affects both children and adults. 

The more Anxiety is common in Adults, the same it is for children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 4.4 million children aged 3-17 have been diagnosed with anxiety. 

Anxiety can affect children by causing; children behavioral, emotional, and physical symptoms, similar as they can in adults. 

III) How serious is Anxiety? 

Myth: It is not a big deal. 

Fact: Anxiety can cause serious health problems. 

As mentioned above anxiety can be different for everyone. Anxiety becomes a problem when it starts intruding on your day-to-day life. 

Anxiety can cause emotional and behavioral problems like worries and fears. Also, it can cause physical problems like rapid breathing, sweating, headaches, and tense muscles. It also affects eating and sleeping patterns.

IV) Anxiety and Depression

Myth: Anxiety and depression are not related.

Fact: Many people who suffer from anxiety also undergo depression. 

It is common to have both anxiety disorder and depression at the same time. 50% of people undergoing depression are also diagnosed with anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). 

Also, according to ADAA, anxiety is linked with numerous other mental and health conditions:

★ Headaches

★ Irritable bowel syndrome

★ Chronic pain

★ Eating disorders

★ Sleep disorders

★ Substance abuse

★ Bipolar disorder

★ Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder

★ Fibromyalgia

Anxiety is a concerning issue, stop believing in myths, check your facts. And if it has started intruding your life, consult a doctor. 

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