Report writing


B. S. Yediyurappa's visit to college


A memorable event organised by the management committee of Jyoti nivas college was the visit of the chief minister of Karnataka, B. S. Yediyurappa on 1st November 2019. The seminar was held in the jam-packed auditorium where the air was filled with ambition, enthusiasm and curiosity. Even though the audience was intrigued and was greatly looking forward to this event, they managed to maintain decorum and made sure that nobody was hurt in the process of entering the venue. This showed the positive spirit of the college and the students.

A memorable event organised by the management committee of Jyoti nivas college was the visit of the chief minister of Karnataka, B. S. Yediyurappa on 1st November 2019. The seminar was held in the jam-packed auditorium where the air was filled with ambition, enthusiasm and curiosity. Even though the audience was intrigued and was greatly looking forward to this event, they managed to maintain decorum and made sure that nobody was hurt in the process of entering the venue. This showed the positive spirit of the college and the students.

When the event began, there was a lamp lighting ceremony and was followed by a mesmerising performance by the classical dance team of the college. The principal Sister Dr. Elizabeth gave a very welcoming speech and the audience were looking forward to learn something meaningful from our beloved chief minister. The MC introduced the chief minister and requested him to share his knowledge with the audience. The entire audience was looking forward to those words of wisdom and gaining knowledge which might not be able to gain through textbooks.

As the event progressed, Mr.B.S. Yediyurappa gave a heartwarming speech about his attachment towards the language and the state Karnataka. It made the audience aware of how Karnataka has been neglected by its own people and how we need to respect and cherish more of it. He described how much the land meant to him, it’s special features and the beauty of the state.

The event was to help the students understand the importance of the language Kannada on the auspicious day of Kannada Rajyotsava(November 1). On that occasion we could see the joy and respect for our respected chief minister as there was pin drop silence as he kept us entertained with his experienced words and also at the same time educated us in a friendly manner. The great chief minister spoke true words which were from his heart and that was very visible as he spoke so fondly and proudly of his language and culture. The audience learnt so much that they were left speechless. He made sure we understand how important it is to be in touch with our culture and tradition and have deep respect for our language.

As the event came to an end, few teachers and volunteers distributed refreshments and beverages to the students who were part of the occasion. This acted as a morale booster as the students were excited to look forward to how to make use of the wise words from the principal and the esteemed guest.

At the end of the event, the entire audience was In awe and had even more respect for the language and the state. The event was very helpful and meaningful. It spread positivity among its audience and helped us gain perspective. It made us realize that it’s important to love yourself and your roots and not be ashamed of it. Being able to accept who you are is the truest way you can pay back for everything you have received from the nature and it’s resources.

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