We human beings are the one who is responsible for polluting our nature and thus in turn nature also takes its revenge through various calamities, diseases, pandemic and so on. We all know that pollution is mainly caused by non-biodegradable wastes and plastic is such a non-biodegradable product which we human beings use very frequently in our everyday life, starting from plastic bags to toys, containers, food packaging almost everything has the use of plastic in it and thus is also generates a lot of waste daily. Plastic being a non-biodegradable waste stays into the soil or water for years and does not decompose rather they choke animal and water creatures also restricts plant growth and leads even to their death sometimes when the roots get entangled into them. Non-biodegradable plastic waste if burnt emits toxic fumes which in turn causes severe air pollution and is extremely harmful for living beings. We have got so much use of plastic that we cannot completely stop the use of plastic we can reduce it to some extent. To save the nature and environment from pollution we can follow the 3R’s i.e., Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Recycling plastic is a great method which is even sustainable and can help us save our nature.
Package :
Several design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents, special standup pouches have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator, and some have easy opening or reclosable options. Handles are cut into or added into some. Bags can be made with a variety of plastics films. Polyethylene is the most common. Other forms, including laminates and co- extrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed. Plastics to create single use bags are primarly made with Fossil fuels. International plastic bag free day is celebrated on july 3.
Medical uses :
Plastic bags are used for many medical purposes. The non purpose quality of plastic film means that they are usefu for isolating infections body fluids ; other porous bags made of nonwoven plastics can be sterilized by gas and maintain this sterility. Bags can be made under regulated sterile manufactoring conditions ,so they can be used when the infection is a health risk. They are lightweight and flexiblr, so they can be carried by or laid next to patients without making the patients as uncomfortable as a heavy glass bottle would be. They are less expensive than re- usable options, such as glass bottles.
Flexible intermediate bulk container :
Flexible intermediate bulk containers are large industrial containers, usually used for bulk powders or flwables. They are usually constructed of women heavy-duty plastic fibers.
Plastic shopping bags :
Open bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers. Stores often provide them as a convience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag. Heavy duty reuseable shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single use paper or plastic shopping bags. Because of envirpnmental a little problems, some locations are working toward a phase- out of lightweight plastic bags.
Danger to children :
Thin, comfortable plastic bags, especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential to cause suffocation. Because of this about 25 children in the united states suffocate each year due to plastic bags, almost nine- tenth of whom are under the age of one. This had led to voluntary warning lables on some bags posing a hazard to small children.
Uses :
Plastic bags are used for diverse applications. Bags of crisps, gardening supplies, bagging vegetables, blood platelets, inner bladder for bag-in – box , pastry bag with convenience closure, ostomy bag, bin bag, string bag made of plastic fibers, porous bag for cooking rice, Intravenous therapy, evidence bag, travel toiletries in a reclosable plastic bag, woven plastic fiber bags used for sand, A plastic body bag.
Different Types of plastic Bags :
* High Density polyethylene (HDPE)
* Low Density polyethylene ( LDPE)
* Linear Low Density Polyethylene ( LLDPE)
* Medium Density polyethylene (MDPE)
* polypropylene ( pp)
* The problem with plastic bags. Plastic bags start out as fossil fuels and end up as deadly waste in landfills and the ocean. Birds often mistakes shredded plastic bags for food, filling their stomachs with toxic debris.