Sugar has a very bad reputation when it comes to creating a nutritious & balanced diet . Too much sugar can cause a range of serious health problems, including diabetes, dementia, and obesity. BUT DO YOU KNOW?
Sugar is the form of carbohydrate. The body breaks down this carbohydrates into sugar. The body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which enters the bloodstream and acts as a source of energy . Some sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and lactose, occur naturally in foods and drinks. Added sugars refer to any sugars in foods that are not naturally occurring, such as sugar in baked goods. Foods or drinks may also contain highly processed sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup.
Naturally occurring sugars come with a variety of Naturally occurring sugars come with a variety of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. For example, alongside fructose, fruit contains fiber and various vitamins and minerals. Most foods and drinks that contain added sugars, such as chocolate and soda, lack these nutrients. Nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. For example, alongside fructose, fruit contains fiber and various vitamins and minerals. Most foods and drinks that contain added sugars, such as chocolate and soda, lack these nutrients.
You think sugar is not healthy ? It is ! Fruits contain natural sugar , which is a healthy source of sugar for our body . Eating a serving of fruit, such as a banana, apple, peach, plum or handful of grapes, is a nutritious and low-calorie snack that can boost the sugars in your body before exercise or help replenish them after exercise. Fructose is a simple sugar, so it can give you a quick burst of energy. Sugars in dairy foods, such as milk and yogurt, are healthy choices, too, because the foods provide other nutrients, such as protein and calcium, in your diet. Complex carbs contain beneficial sugars, as well, so include whole grains and starchy vegetables in your diet.
Added sugar is the sugar which is unhealthy & it leads to storage of fats in you body which leads to health problems. Added sugar is generally present in cold drinks , soda , backed food , etc. This type of sugar may give you quick energy but doesn’t provide you with healthy nutrients , which leads to storage of it in our body .
All in all we can say that it depends on us , which is our preference , added sugar or natural sugar , & our preference will decide our health .