

Cleanliness meaning is “to keep clean and to avoid dirt”. The practice to clean everything is cleanliness. There are different types of cleanliness, the cleaning of clothes, the cleaning to house; the cleaning of streets, the cleaning of ourselves etc. the most important is to clean ourselves because if we do not care for our cleanliness, we do not bother about the cleaning of surroundings. We feel the importance of cleanliness only when we do practice of cleaning ourselves. The practice of hand washing and bathing is necessary to keep ourselves clean. The person who keeps his self-dirty, he also keeps his environment dirty and filthy. The cleaning of environment is very important. The environment is may be your home, your school, or your office. Some people has habit to throw things on road, this is illegal and a hurdle for cleanliness. The cleaning environment puts healthy effects on our mind and body, while a dirty environment puts very bad affects on our health and mind. Almost all the diseases are caused by the infectious agents in the environment and these infectious agents are very active in dirty and filthy environments. Many diseases like hepatitis, diarrhea, cholera, flu etc are caused by the dirty environments. Hepatitis is very dangerous disease and is usually transferred by the use of unsterilized instruments. A man of dirty habits is far from culture and civilization. So, with the progress of civilization, a man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He modifies all his actions and manners. He purifies his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But all other cleanings depend on the cleanliness of body.

It is truly said that ‘Cleanliness is Next to Godliness’. Cleanliness is a step which leads us towards godliness. It is a good habit as it keeps our body, mind and everything clean around us. We should practice it regularly from the early life. The real meaning of cleanliness is to keep our body, mind, soul, home, surrounding areas, clothes, environment, etc clean. It is the habitual act which keeps us away from dirt and diseases as well as helps us to maintain good health including personal and environmental hygiene. It is necessary for maintaining self-respect, getting confidence and getting respect from others. People who live in dirt never get confidence and self-respect. Cleanliness helps people get lots of respect and popularity. It helps people living closer to the divinity and has fear from the God. It indicates the standard and character of a man. In order to follow cleanliness all across the life, one needs to acquire clean habits from childhood onwards.

Way to maintain Cleanliness

As we all know, it is not tough to maintain cleanliness. It is very important to maintain cleanliness for a healthy life. When we talk about our personal lives, we can maintain cleanliness by bathing regularly. It is very important to wash our hands before eating food. This will ensure no bacteria enter your body and prevent illnesses.

 Subsequently, we must always eat healthy food and consume clean water. Avoid eating out often and drinking water from unclean sources. Personal hygiene must be taken care of. Remember to trim your nails timely before they grow long. Long nails are very dirty and that means you will have dirt under your hands at all times. In addition, maintain the habit of brushing and flossing twice a day for oral hygiene.

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