History of Python Programming Language



In this article we'll see about the most popular and commonly used programming language, Python. So, let's begin and learn about the development of Python and gain insights about the current IT trends.

Introduction of Python

Python is very famous for its simple programming syntax. code readability and English-like commands that make coding and English-like commands that make coding a lot easier and efficient. Due to this, it is the most popular and preferred language. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language developed by Guido van Rossum at National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands.

In contrast to popular belief that Python was named after the snake, Python was actually named after the show "Monty Python's flying circus". Guido van Rossum formulated Python in the late 1980's as a successor to the ABC language.

Versions of Python

In 1994, Python version 1.0 was released with features like exception handling, Lambda, Map, Filter and Reduce. Python 2.0, released in 2000, introduced features like list comprehensions and garbage collection system capable of collecting reference cycle. Python 3.0 was released on the 3rd of December 2008. Undoubtedly, Python 2.x and 3.x have proven to be the most used versions. As of today, Python 3.9.5 is the latest stable version released in the summer of May 2021.

Applications of Python

Python is popularly used for development, scripting, and software testing. Top IT companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Netflix, among others, use Python. Some major applications of Python can be seen in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and IoT.

Python Also Offers Many Libraries like

👉 Numpy


👉 Keras

👉Tensor Flow


👉 Flask

Pep-8 is the official style guide that defines the styling conventions for Python code. A few popular open source Python projects include PipENV, Chatistics, solving the travelling salesman problem using self-organizing maps and Python to BPF converter. Popular websites on the internet, like Reddit and Quora, are built using Python. 

Some Popular Games Developed Using Python

👉EVE Online Freedom Force

👉Pirates of the Caribbean Online

👉 Civilization IV, Battlefield 2

👉Sims 4

👉World of Tanks  

According to Indeed, the average salary of a Python developer in India is about Rs.5,00,000 per annum and that in the US is around $124,000.

Users and admirers of Python, especially those considered knowledgeable, are referred to as Pythonists, Pythonistas, and Pythoneers. Since its inception, Python has come a long way to become the most popular coding language and continues to revolutionize the IT industry. This is the best course for all beginners who want to learn the new course.

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