Contribution of Red Cross Society in the World


 Red Cross Society

The 'Red Cross' is one of the organizations that helps with a pure sacrificial mind. We will get to know the features of this system clearly through this article.

Introduction to the Red Cross

In 1859 a great war took place between France and Austria. There were huge losses in the war. Most of them have lost various organs in their body and suffered injuries. It was then that Henry Dunant, a Swiss humanitarian, began to feel sorry for them and began to help them. 

There is a lot of work to be done because of that charitable spirit. Over time it became a company. It is also known as the 'Red Cross'. The name was most commonly coined by some on the day. 

Dunant's memoirs on the war were widely acclaimed for his book, "A Memory of Solferino." At the Geneva Conference on August 22, 1864, 14 nations co-founded the name and fame. 

Other countries around the world have joined the 14-nation system. Thus, in 1929, the Red Cross became the largest charity of 126 nations. Today, the organization is active in more than 250 districts in more than 125 states in India alone. 

Charities of the Red Cross

Although the association aims to help everyone without feeling hostile during the war, it has been active during times of epidemics such as leprosy, measles, plague, and disasters such as floods, storms, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Logo of the Red Cross

The name 'Red Cross' itself means 'Red Cross'. Its symbol is the red cross in a white circle. Hospitals still use the logo today.

The Role of Students in Red Cross

Every school and college has this association. In it, students work together to develop humanity, philanthropy, and tolerance. 


The highest goal of human nature is to help others. The Red Cross is doing this neatly. Together we will live as human beings and good minds.

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