Social Issues


Basically everyone expects the normal student lifestyle with proper and regular routine or schedule to follow for a student …

Self-Improvement Month

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you are looking for some way to improve your life. Maybe you need help with pe…

Rural Development.

The majority of population in India (about 73 per cent) is living in rural areas. Living conditions of the rural people are …

Destructive Habits: Bias

There are many habits that destroy your mental peace, happiness and mostly you. Some of them are usually with different addi…

What is Cyber Crime?

Cyber crime is any criminal related activity done by a person using a computer or network. It can also be defined as any ill…

What a filibuster is.

Traditionally, the Senate filibuster was reserved for only the most controversial issues, but its use has escalated in recen…

The women’s suffrage movement

The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on August 18, 1920. It declares that “The right of citizens of …

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