What is Cyber Crime?


Cyber crime is any criminal related activity done by a person using a computer or network. It can also be defined as any illegal activity done via the internet. Offences that are committed against individuals or group of individuals with a criminal motive to imtentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (e – mails, chat rooms, etc) and mobile phones(bluetooth, sms, mms) is termed as cyber crime.

Listed below are some ways to prevent Cyber Crime:

1)Strong password

Passwords should be of eight characters (including a combination of letters, numbers and symbols).

2) Ensure your software is up-to-date

3) Don’t fall for pop-ups

If an email or pop-up window asks you to enter username or password, don’t do it. Instead, open your browser and visit the site directly.

4) Secure your internet network with a strong encryption passwoed and a VPN

5) Educate yoir children about internet risks

Communicate with them and assure them that they can come to you if they face any stalking, bullying or online harassment.

6) Protect your financial data

Remember this: Legitimate banks or companies will never ask for any personal details or ask you to transfer money into an account.

7) If you fall victim to Cyber crime, then:

a) contact the banks or companies where the fraud occured.

b) place fraud alerts and get your credit reports

c) register complaint with cyber cell or local police station

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