Digital Marketing and Its Types


Marketing their products and services is a very important thing for any business and company. Through media outlets such as television, newspapers, and FM radio, some companies market their products directly to homes and attract customers. But despite such marketing methods in this technological world, a method called digital marketing is becoming very popular.

What is this digital marketing? How many types are there? we will find out in this article.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process by which a company or business makes their products available to the public through the Internet, marketing them, and attracting customers to sell their products. 

In the 21st century, people have been using the Internet more and more actively, especially for a few years. Knowing this, every company knows the needs of the people and adopts the strategy of marketing their products and services through the internet.

You do not need to have vast coding or programming knowledge to enter this digital marketing field. A certain amount of coding knowledge is sufficient. Not only that but an important requirement is to have the ability to understand what customers expect and what their need.

Types of Digital Marketing

1. SEO

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. A business or company will have created a website for them. That website should rank top in search engines like Google. This means that if you search for the name of the company or their products on Google, their website should come in the top rank. To do this, they use keywords or tags when creating the company's website, and use some coding techniques to bring the website to the top. Not only that but only if the keywords are updated frequently will the company be able to rank in the top rank in the search engine.

2. SMM

SMM is Social Media Marketing. Any company would have created an account for them on social media. I.e. media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. They will often update on social media like this about their products. This will increase the chances of attracting customers and selling the product easily.

3. Email Marketing

Every company, they will advertise their products to their customers via email. Each company will advertise their products to their customers via email. For example, if we enter into a website it will ask you to sign up or login. If we put our email ID in and sign up, they will know our email ID. Through this they often advertise their products and services to us via email. 

4. Content Marketing

A company will create blogs and videos about their products and services on their website. When customers see all of this, there is an attraction to their products. So the chances of that company making progress are high.

5. SEM

SEM is Search Engine Marketing. SEM can be said to be the paid version of SEO. A company will pay for their website and make it rank top in the search engine. The company will publish their website on Google AdSense. When customers search for a keyword related to that company on Google it will come up in the top of the search engine.

6. Pay Per Click Ads

It’s something everyone knows. When we enter in to certain websites, apps, we are shown some ads there. Those advertisers will publish their ads on Google AdSense. Related ads will be displayed according to the needs of the customers. Advertisers will pay Google AdSense based on how many customers click on the ads.

7. Affiliate Marketing or Influencer Marketing

A company will select people who have a lot of followers on social media and tell them about their products and services. Tell to people about their products. If someone buys the company's products through that influencer, the company will pay a certain amount of commission to that influencer. We’ve all seen some of the biggest actors talking about certain products on their social media.

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