What is Consumer Protection and Why it is Important?


Consumer Protection

All buyers of goods are consumers. The general public are all consumers of each other. Protecting the interests of consumers is paramount. We will see about consumer protection in this article.

Consumer Welfare

Human life is about living interdependently. Just as a tree does not become a forest, so it is natural for everyone to seek the help of others. The main need to survive is the food we eat. As for the food, its excellent quality, reasonable price and quantity are essential.

It is important to protect the interests of consumers, from ordinary small items to the most expensive luxury items. There is no place for discrimination between low-priced goods, high-priced goods, small goods, large goods, ordinary people and the rich people. Equal price, quality and quantity are one and the same because everyone buys and sells. There is no chance for discrimination. Just as the state has a duty to protect the interests of the consumer, so do traders have a moral duty to uphold it. 

Consumer Awareness

An thought has developed among the rural people, especially the illiterate. The habit of wanting to buy goods is spreading in a sales system where one item is bought and another item is free. This is not the right way. Because no trader does business without profit. That being said it is not acceptable to say it is free.

Is the quality of a product good? Is it good for our health? Is it reasonably priced? Is proper weight followed? Such doubts should come to the mind of a consumer. The welfare of the consumer is properly maintained only when there is awareness among the consumers.

To Prevent Cheating

While taking various creative steps on behalf of the state, it should be fully followed. Must give full cooperation.

When consumers are affected in any way, they need the courage to immediately oppose it. Consumers need to create an organization within themselves and assert their rights. Raising consumer awareness about adulteration and the affordable prices of substandard products can help prevent cheating.  

The protests of the people are increasing day by day. Demand is growing accordingly. At the same time as meeting the needs, it is important to consider that the interests of the consumer are protected.

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