Diwali, our festival of joy!



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Days come and go, festivals pass by in a jiffy. But there’s something special about the festival of lights. It begins with a loud bang from the crackers, goes on with serial lights and rockets lighting up the skies, and ends with a sweet note in courtesy of the laddoss and chaklis made and shared among friends and families. 

This is Diwali for us! Diwali is celebrated with great pomp and harmony, usually in the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu in India. It falls between the months of October and November and becomes the reason for dressing up, eating traditional sweets, bursting crackers, and family gatherings. 

The origin of Diwali, the festival of lights.

As we celebrate, let us look at the origins of this beloved festival and learn what makes this an auspicious occasion. There aren’t any definite origins as there are several reasons behind celebration of this festival across different states of India. 

  • According to the epic Ramayana by Valmiki, Diwali is celebrated on the account of Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya with his wife Seeta and brother Lakshmana after spending 14 years in exile and defeating the evil king Raavana. 

  • According to the most popular beliefs, Diwali marks the birth of Goddess Lakshmi from Samudra Manthan, the cosmic ocean of milk churned by gods and demons alike. Goddess Lakshmi had chosen Vishnu as her husband on the night of Diwali, forming an unbreakable bond. 

  • In the epic Mahabharata, the five pandava brothers were deceived into losing a bet while gambling and got banished by the Kauravas from Hastinapur for 12 years. According to the epic, Diwali is celebrated on the account of their return to Hastinapur during the Kartik Amavasya. 

  • In Sikhism, Diwali is celebrated on the account of Guru Hargobind being released by Mughal emperor Jehangir.  

  • In Jainism, the festival is celebrated as an anniversary of Mahavira’s soul finally seeking Nirvana. 

  • In many states of the western India, like Gujarath, Diwali is regarded as the beginning of a new year. 

  • In eastern India, comprising West Bengal, Diwali is celebrated in the honor of their Goddess Kali. Who is well known for her destructive rampage against the demons of the earth. 

How is Diwali celebrated?

With countless memes being reiterated regarding cleaning your household during this festive season. It becomes an important preparatory requirement for Diwali celebration. Dry fruits and sweetmeats are also exchanged ahead of the main Diwali celebrations. Outdoor and indoor parties as well as craft shows begin to create the ambiance for the forthcoming festival of lights. Gambling, as seen in Mahabharata being enacted by Pandavas and Kauravas, is a traditional festive game that is played during the week before Diwali alongside card games. 

Finally! the five days of Diwali

Let’s begin with Choti or little Diwali. It’s the day before the main event that is dedicated to preparations for the festival. We can’t be out buying crackers and sweets right in the middle of our Diwali right? There is fun and anticipation as we await the day of the main festival to be greeted with loud crackers and sweet smelling gulab jamuns, laddoos, and other delicious snacks. Oh, and also watch your step, because you might be the subject of someone’s wrath if you step on one of the painstakingly made rangolis

Source: By Unsplash

And now comes the main event, people greet the festival with a loud bang as the sun sets. Both the land and the skies are lit by fireworks. As usual, there begins an opposition against usage of firecrackers by environmentalists and naysayers. But they could never dampen the festive spirits of the true enthusiasts. By the end of the day, both the so-called environmentalists as well as the enthusiasts are united by festive delicacies. Thanks to the prior purchases, exchanges and preparations. 

The final days of the festive season witnesses sisters praying for the well being for their brothers and, hopefully receiving generous returns from their siblings. 

What should I do during Diwali?

Most probably you wouldn’t be having that question. But if your friends bailed out on you and you have no plans, then maybe you could write content like me. Just kidding! On a serious note, there will definitely be a movie releasing every Diwali which you can watch along with your family. If you are one of those naysayers to fireworks, you could take a trip to a nearby exotic location. You can use the holiday and the bonus to meet up with some old friends which you have been putting off for another day. 

Happy Diwali! May the festival bring lots of joy into your hearts! 

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