Communication, but non-verbal ones!


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Communication is an important tool for us to share our thoughts and ideas with each other. When we use this tool to associate with strangers, it has to be done skillfully. Thus the term communication skills became generic and many people began teaching them or learning them. However, communication need not be confined to typical speech and verbal boundaries. Your facial expressions and gestures also communicate your thoughts to the intended audience. Thus, proving the existence of non-verbal communication. 

Non-verbal communication 

The key to a successful personal or professional relationship lies in your communication skills. But it is not simply the words you use that counts. The non-verbal communication you make with your facial expressions, mannerisms, and gestures brings a lot of difference in a situation. These non-verbal cues are often expressed in a subconscious state of mind. 

While communicating with a person, you send silent messages apart from a typical speech with your expressions, tone of speech and posture. These non-verbal cues have the power to attract and draw the audience’s attention towards you or leave them confused and withdrawn from you. 

Sometimes, the message we convey from our verbal communication is different from the one we express through our non-verbal communication. For example, saying you are happy as you put up a sad face. This renders the audience in a confused state of mind regarding believing the verbal or non-verbal cues.  Finally, they may choose to follow the non-verbal cues as it is often expressed in a subconscious manner. 

 Segments of non-verbal communication

Now that you may know the importance of non-verbal communication, let us look at some of the segments of non-verbal communication in detail. 

Facial Expressions

Whether you are happy or sad, most probably your peers can identify the way you feel. How is that possible? It’s your facial expressions that give your feelings away. Facial expressions are a significant part of non-verbal communication. There are so many things you convey with your smile or frown. People’s forms of expression differ across different regions and cultures. But facial expressions conveying basic emotions such as anger, fear, happiness or sadness are universal. 


Although non-verbal communication is said to occur in a subconscious or an un-intentional manner. Some deliberate gestures also help convey a message or statement. We may wave our hand to gain someone’s attention or point a finger somewhere to give out directions to a person. These are some of the deliberate non-verbal communications we make in our day to day lives. 


Paralinguistics is a form of verbal communication that is seperate from the language quotient. It is inclusive of vocal factors such as tone of voice, pitch and loudness. To put it into perspective, the tone of voice alters the effect of the linguistic communication that you make. A statement being produced by a strong and confident tone gains approval and enthusiasm from the audience. The similar statement provided with hesitation receives lack of enthusiasm and support. 

When your friend asks you how you’re feeling, you may say you’re fine. But your certain degree of fineness is revealed by the tone in which you delivered your statement. 

Eye Gaze

Our eyes do speak volumes. When you see someone or something you love and adore, your eyes start to blink and your pupils begin to dilate. Thus forming an important segment of non-verbal communication. Blinking, staring and simply looking are some of the ways we communicate with our eyes. 

On the other hand, people may observe your eye gaze to determine your degree of honesty and trustworthiness.  By maintaining a steady and normal eye contact, you are perceived as an honest and trustworthy person. But the inability to maintain eye contact or having a shaky gaze may be considered as unreliable. 


Hoptics is a mode of communicating through physical touch. It also forms an important segment in non-verbal communication. A gentle touch or pat on the shoulder conveys warmth and affection. This form of communication is intense and must be treated with immense care. We tend to utilise this form of communication with people we know very well. A touch can be perceived as both appropriate and inappropriate based on where and how a person is touched. 


Does the guy wearing a suit, sitting across you give out professional and business vibes? It is because that is what he communicated to you silently through his choice of clothing. Your choice of colour, clothing, hairstyle and overall appearance makes a non-verbal communication with others that allows them to have first impressions about you. That’s why we would prefer going shopping for a new attractive attire for a potential date or party to make a positive first impression. 

  “Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say,” says Richelle E. Goodrich, which stands true in regards to non-verbal communication. 


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